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Looking for Writers for the News Feed


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Hi the news feed on fuwanovel.net is directly drawing from http://visualnovelaer.wordpress.com

i was thinking, a good way to get the site going is maybe to just write really good news?

So I Wondering, any1 might be interested in writing popcorn news for the site? particularly useful if you browse Japanese game sites.

I used to just compile them in huge posts like this: http://visualnovelaer.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/otoko-no-ko/

e.g. here are some good places to look for news:



This kind of stuff is easiest to find if you follow v. cool people on twitter or on facebook or on wordpress.com, usually you get some interesting stuff. like for example i saw this figure and i still have yet to blog about it http://kipchu.wordpress.com/2012/11/01/kippys-figure-ramblings-102912/ (it's the main chara from Dramatical Murder which is being fan translated)

Or that kokoro connect PSP game should be coming out in a few days.

or however way you procure news, be it siliconera or nekomagic or andriasang (dead) or Japanator. or other people's blogs.

I also find it helpful to lurk in lots of IRC channels.

Anyways... you can post anything you like. You can generate your own content if you want to. You can try playing a VN youve never heard of and then blog about that. (but Not so much reviews.)

If youre interested, drop a reply or email me: [email protected]

very roughly, visualnovelaer gets about 2500~ average hits a day. fuwanovel is about a 1000 visitors a day (about 70000 hits a day) which is actually TINY. but for visual novels, it is so-so. (VNDB.org gets hundreds of thousands)

Hey also, if you know how to port a wordpress.com into a wordpress.org (i.e. move it to my server), plz msg me too! i still havent gotten around to doing that.

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I would be interested in writing news for the site. When you said we can post anything we like did you mean as long as it pertains to Visual Novels? Or can it pertain to anything like video games, visual novels, movies?

I would post my news articles on Wordpress and then send the link to you or how would that work? I never used wordpress before.

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does it have to be frequent, or once in a while is okay? because if I can contribute once in a while I certainly will~

and about the putting wordpress on the server, do you mean as a plug-in for the site or something? I'll ask around

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Yeah once in a while is fine.

Anything that is tangentially related to visual novels.

for example, I post about little busters the anime, even though it's not the visual novel, because it is tangentially related to visual novels.

you dont have to post regularly.

i actually want to migrate the whole blog onto my server and install it as a wordpress.org (instead of wordpress.com)....

you dont have to start a blog. I invite you as an author on my blog so you can post on it (just like me posting on it)

anyways, send me your email address to: [email protected] and then ill send you a wordpress invite.

the trick is to write stuff that you think people would be interested in. the other trick is to write stuff that you think people would google.

i mentioned popcorn news, but it doesnt have to. you just have to entertain - because it's not journalism anyway. so you can express yourself~

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