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Need php coder for main website (have small jobs + big jobs). know any1?


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So actually there is no coder for the main site atm because Vax gone missing for several months now.

and i dont want to badger ilegend all the time.


1) Small job (randomize featured images on main page)

- any1 know how to make the featured images on the front page randomize? so that it shows different ones everytime some1 refreshes?

- there will be a list of say 16 images that it randomizes through

- just php skills


2) Small job

- need a way to show a popup on hover or mouse click

- a sentence appears explaining what EGS is.


3) Bigger job (add a new field called Date Added into the database)

- have to add a new field into database,

- then display it on a page on the site

- need php/mysql and whatever else i have no idea.

- the site is built on a framework called CodeIgnite http://ellislab.com/codeigniter <-- need to work out how to use this

4) Super Big Job (add a new section to house android/iOS games

- just like browse/otome/upcoming but a section for android/iOS/console games

- need php/mysql and whatever else i have no idea.

- need to add several new fields that describe the android games (e.g. Need Root? = true/false).

- pray hard the code vax has left us with is human-readable

- the site is built on a framework called CodeIgnite http://ellislab.com/codeigniter <-- need to work out how to use this

We have a test site at https://fuwanovel.net/fuwa_beta where you can experiment on it and it doesnt matter if u break stuff.

that's all i can think of for now, but there's always improvements that would be nice to be had but unpossible for the lack of a real coder! (not implying ilegend is not real)

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I may be able to do some of these. I have worked with php, javascript and mysql before but haven't used codeigniter. It doesn't look very different from other libraries/frameworks that I've worked with so if the current code is understandable then I might be able to figure it out quickly :rolleyes:

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I also know a few things about this stuff. You know I'm always in IRC if you need me smile.gif. Though you can probably PM me there because backlogs are huge in the main chat.


- need to add several new fields that describe the android games (e.g. Need Root? = true/false).

No Android game should require Root

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If only there was a way to cheat and put unofficial patched games onto Google's Play Store

I know it's possible to start your own store.

good idea...!

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If only there was a way to cheat and put unofficial patched games onto Google's Play Store

I know it's possible to start your own store.

good idea...!

Don't really need a store if we're not selling. Just a page that has all the download links for apks would probably be fine.

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RE: Android Section -- I've got some of that kind of stuff, with a boatload of info for playing on phones, tablets, Ouyas, etc! Hope to have it all compiled soon! Thanks for your patience!

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