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Hate Plus Release Date Set


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I need my fix of AI waifu. Looking forward to this.

As for Analogue, I really enjoyed it. It's not a masterpiece, but I found the story pretty interesting and Hyun-ae's backstory very disturbing. As far as I know this one will be focusing on Mute's backstory, which is good because I've wanted to know a bit more about her circumstances.

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Wow, Analogue is rated very good for a OELVN. I might have to check this one out.

If you like history you should enjoy it. I'm a huge fan of history so reading all the historical records in the game was really fun for me. I did write a quick little review on it a while ago, so I might post it up for you guys on the fence.

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Here is my quick review for Analogue: A Hate Story. I wrote this a while ago before I switched writing formats but it still gets my points across.


Fancy a visual novel? What about a sci-fi mystery aboard an abandoned colony ship where the only other people on board are two artificial intelligences? Wow, you're still reading? Awesome. That is the set up to Analogue, you are commissioned by a historical society to salvage the logs on an abandoned colony ship. What you find though is a mystery and as the AI opens up more logs to you, some dirty secrets begin to come out about what really happened aboard the ship.


What stands out about this visual novel is the DOS command line like gameplay at certain parts. Remember, you are interacting with computers, and the game accounts for this. To switch between AI cores, you'll have to input the command. To access certain logs, you'll need to use commands. Its well executed and makes you actually feel like you are a detective. The rest of the gameplay is standard visual novel. Pick dialogue choices based off the conversations. Be prepared for a lot of reading as you go through the logs. It's a lot to go through, but it was all interesting to me.



  • Mysterious, well paced story
  • Solid command line mechanics
  • Simplistic, yet futuristic artwork
  • Well drawn characters
  • No H scenes


  • A ton of reading will put people off
  • Visual novel "gameplay" is not for everyone
  • Short, clocks in at about 2-3 hours


This is a solid visual novel with no H scenes, but very short and extremely simple to get good endings. If you are new to visual novels, this is a good game to start with because of the simplicity of it. The command line aspect adds a fun wrinkle to the typical dialogue choosing gameplay.

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