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"Win10 controlling pc gaming content?"

Suzu Fanatic

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I can't watch this video, it's fucking dreadful.

Read this op-ed written by Epic Games' founder Tim Sweeney instead: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/mar/04/microsoft-monopolise-pc-games-development-epic-games-gears-of-war

In essence, Microsoft's practices are anti-competitive by nature and UWP is an initiative that's aiming to strong-arm the other platforms out of the PC space. Unfortunately for them, it's destined to fail. Consumers and business owners both have an option, and they'll choose the open platform they've been used to all this time instead of MS's overly-restrictive closed platform.

As for them "ruining" or "monopolizing" PC gaming, as I said we still have an option. We can just not use UWP. Them keeping new windows features exclusive to their closed platform is anti-competitive, but we can still keep playing games and using apps the way we have been on PC for over 20 years. Microsoft is afraid of going too far, in fear of another antitrust suit. Very, very few developers will release games exclusive to the Windows 10 app store, mostly just MS themselves.

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