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Looking for VNs with a certain type of heroine


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I'd like to ask for recommendations of VNs with heroines with a personality similar to Ami (Semiramis no Tenbin), Maia (Hapymaher), Nemu (euphoria), and somewhat more broadly speaking, Kimika (SubaHibi).

Translated/untranslated doesn't matter. On the off chance there's an OELVN like that, I'll happily take that, too. Reading difficulty doesn't really matter either, although if it's similar to or exceeds that of Hapymaher, a little warning would be nice. Ah, and I prefer going into a VN with as little spoilers as possible, so I'd ask you don't go into the particulars of how their personality changes over the course of the plot or anything like that.

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I've been meaning to read Devils Devel Concept for a while now, seems I've got something to look forward to there. Guess this kind of heroine is really rare if even you can't think of many VNs with one in it. A shame - and kinda surprising, considering all of those VNs seem to have been pretty well (some really well) received in Japan.

Yeah, Maia is really awesome, as is Hapymaher as a whole. It's funny, seeing as you could (very) vaguely shove her into the yandere trope, which isn't all that rare. But then I guess writing a sane yandere is probably harder than just making her flat-out insane.

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