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Symphonic Rain


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I think the best way to play it is

Lise/Fal->Torta->Al Fine-> True End

For Zakamutt

About Fal, why did you think she revealed everything before the recital?

I dunno if it's because she wants him to accept her but I think she also cares about him. I remember Cordell saying that when Chris is happy he performs a little bad as compare to when he is sad.

I think Fal wants him to perform better even though she risked losing Chris. Of course the fact that they are also partners and that Chris can not back out are also reasons as why she would do it.

For me Fal is the most interesting characters. I hope they added something about her past or something in the game.

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^ This spoiler convo is a Fal spoiler:

I did feel while reading the route that Fal's primary motivation was just to make Chris play better. She's incredibly driven to succeed in the musical world, after all. I wonder if she knew that she could have made him very happy instead, which would also enhance his notes.

Analyzing the reveal Fal makes more objectively, though, it feels like a somewhat standard plot device of pushing someone away due to some kind of insecurity. She also feels the need to justify what she's saying to him about her worldview. Consider this: she's been suppressing her feelings in favor of using logic- in that case, she will have to find a logical reason to do something that's also emotionally motivated. The same can be said of her decision to stay with Chris: she has a very good logical reason since his skills will help her career (though arguably he's a bit worse, now that he's likely happy again).

Damn she's such an interesting character, and damn it's so refreshing to see her still taking the relationship on her terms right at the end.

I'd say Lise->Fal->Torta works best due to storyline structure. Most important however is Torta last of the three initial routes.

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It's really sad to see people who played the game who hate on Fal especially because Fal is one of the type of characters you'll rarely encounter in any story. I hope they TL all the other sidestories. There might be more about Fal there as there is a story about Phorni traveling from the hospital


I found something rare.


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Stop stalking other people.

It's Kendjin spamming on my thread and you get mad at me :< unfair

you made it sound that you're old though

and I dun stalk it's just that


On topic, that is the first SR fan art that I liked. Well SR fan arts are rare anyway.

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