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Everything posted by Eldin

  1. granted, but it's all pretty harsh and you end up dropping the idea. I wish for opai.
  2. Samwise Gamgee's favorite phrase is in fact "I don't care", followed very closely by "I don't like this". I do carry two wallets and a change purse. I hate loose change, and have a wallet for small and another for large bills. my favorite color is purple, not red. #1: I use the serial number of a 1 dollar bill for my password. #2: Despite hating the anime series, I finished watching evangelion. #3: My first anime figure was of Kos-Mos from Xenosaga.
  3. oh right, last order doesn't really fight does she... changing my answer to that. third or fourth post from the bottom.
  4. the third is false, I have never met William Shatner. #1: My bird's favorite phrase is "I don't care." #2: I carry two wallets and a change purse. #3: My favorite color is red.
  5. #1: I am not a lolicon. #2: My first vn was Corpse Party. #3: I've met William Shatner.
  6. worst is level 4. the other clones reach a max of 2-3.
  7. no. there's a difference between finding cute things cute and being a loli.
  8. granted, this time I thought of this title all on my own. I wish I had a new title. that's ryoji's title, I am unworthy. I think i'll keep it as is
  9. granted, but they are mine as well and thus are too busy to serve you. I wish I had something to wish for.
  10. granted. your ability is to read the minds of cats. but not just any cats. neutered cats. I wish for whirled peas.
  11. granted, but now she's only half the girl she was before. I wish fleas and ticks did not exist.
  12. that is a really good question... I am a man of many mysteries. I feel my character is better if I don't let you guys in on them.
  13. granted, but misaka is still the better character. I wish for a misaka imouto. woah, hold the breaks, no. not happening.
  14. I voted accelerator not just because he's the closest we have to a level 6 and occasionally comes close to transcending to it, but because after he figured out that he can also deflect magic, he became pretty much unstoppable. teleporters seem to be too stupid to try and outright kill him like I said in the other thread, and touma only won because he has mc syndrome and accelerator tried to melee him (even after he realized that it wasn't going to work out well for him). the author limited his abilities by shooting him in the head, but he's still pretty much the stones.
  15. I dunno, i'm quite torn up about that statement. i'm pretty sure she's not half the character you think she is.
  16. gimme a link to a site that has the novels, that I may consume them.
  17. I don't know what other magic kanzaki can use other than what's in the show. assuming she doesn't do much else than what she's been shown to do, misaka could win. she could interrupt and repel attacks made by kanzaki's wires with minimal effort, and as long as she stays out of melee she could just peck at her at range with railguns all day. I would say the fight would probably be difficult for both of them, as kanzaki would probably be forced to use god breaker just to catch her and that uses a lot of energy. misaka would have to use her magnetism thing to fly around and avoid getting destroyed and that also uses a lot of energy. since most people in this show thus far have been idiots with their powers (accelerator trying to fight touma in melee after getting punched in face many times, for example) it would be an interesting fight to watch.
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