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Posts posted by Neo4114

  1. Theres something about reading a funny Vn that always lifts my spirts.

     I stopped reading Vns about 4 years ago when i started collage,

    Was wondering  if any funny ones came put during that time frame, or any funny ones in general

    Thanks again !

  2. Hello All!,

    I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend a VN that is downright hilarious,

    I have been away from the Vn scene for a while so i was wondering if anything came out that was funny recently


    I really enjoyed



      Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!


    Thanks for all the Help!


  3. Anyone who would go that far to be hateful, and do spiteful things like that, aren't the kind of people you should waste time thinking or caring about. Karma usually has a way of catching up with them in the end.


    I was thinking the same thing, doesn't make me feel better though. But glad i don't have to change myself to get even with her.

  4. Thank you all for your tips. Also shout out to Clephas for making me laugh at Work :). At this point i want to move on, hell i thought i did. But i regressed when i saw those comments. It bothers me that people say things just to intentionally hurt someone else, even though we loved each other at one point.  Seriously guys, thanks for every comment, makes me feel less lonely.

  5. Not sure if sarcasm or nor, but just to make sure, he meant he was friends with that person for 9 years, not that his friend is 9 years old.



    She's a pedo! You should denounce her to the police! (Why didn't you yet?)


    I am currently 18, i knew my friend since he was 9. Hence, the friendship was for 9 years. They were both 18.

    Sorry for that, ill definitely clear that up

  6. Thanks so much guys, i have been dealing with this for a while, and honestly is just getting exhausting. you guys are 100% right in i should just continue to ignore and block. its reassuring to have you guys all say to do that.  Its just that seeing how she could say those things about me really brought up sadness. Like i said i was not the greatest BF, but nothing to deserve that. As far as the dating pool, i will definitely wait it out. I want to be in another relationship, but right now i am just trying to fill a void, not be committed to the person. This was my first real relationship, so i don't know how to handle the situation. Thanks again peeps.

  7. So me and my ex broke up Dec. 2014. I found out in Feb that she has sex with my best friend that i had known for nine years. One month after the break up. All while I was going to him for advice almost everyday. So i found out and cut them both off. But even now still i really accidentally (no lie) read her twitter for the first time and its all bashing me still. She goes on to say anything between "i hope your birthday is the most miserable day of your life"  (Bday is within a week) to "what was i thinking dating you".  Now i am not the type of guy to say anything back, as i dont want to feed the fire. But i cant lie, the words hurt.  Now i dont want to be with her even but Even after all she did to me, i still wish her the best. She acts like she wants me dead. Now i wasn't the best boyfriend, but i don't think i deserved that.  How would you guys try to handle the situation. Any advice is welcomed. 

  8. So i have been dealing with a little rough patch in my life and decided to read edelweiss since i knew it was gonna be great. It was one of the funniest things i have read. I don't care for the whole magic (alchemy) side of it. I would just love if anyone could point me in the right direction for one that had both romance and comedy fused into one. The only other funny vn that i read that comes to mind is "My girlfriend is the President" Thanks in Advance. I cant wait for the recommendations!!!!!!!

  9. By stalking i mean Social media stalking. Shes in a different college, and she dorms there. So we definitely aren't in contact nor do our schedules conflict.

    Its just knowing that shes surrounded by horny men, and i am siting here in sadness that makes it that much more painful. So i try not to think about it.

  10. My first heartbreak took me a long time to recover from since I had invested a lot of my feelings into getting to know the person for about 3-4years (talked almost everyday). It hurt a lot for a long while, but I got over it eventually by just not thinking about the person (whenever I started to, I'd stop myself), and also got rid of anything that might remind me of them xD.


    My last one, I kinda did the same thing. Mostly, what helps is just not letting yourself brood over the memories/person (stop every time you start to) and distract yourself with work, anything you're passionate about. I think best way is just focusing on something else you care about, have fun, and keeping yourself busy. Hanging out with friends can help too.


    Since you're 18 in college^^ you could focus on school to help get your mind off of her. And there are chances to meet new people too.


    Don't torture yourself with imagining her with the new guy and don't stalk her (at least until you feel you're finally over her). >_< What I mean by stalking is -> checking her Facebook, finding out what she's doing, etc.  it'll make it harder to get over. You'll need some distance to recover.

    I definitely was (6 days stalking free) stalking. It just became painful to watch. It really made my progress regress. The more i listen to the stories though, the more i think it become mind over matter. I think people overcome incredible things, and this is just a small bump. I just hate that is feels so like a large bump lol.


    If she left you for someone else, then she isn't really worth your time. Your scenario reminds me of one of my own experiences. I was dating dating a girl for more then a year, When I left to the live at the university in the city, we tried to continue the relationship. I had warned her that I was going to start to put my school work first, and she said that she understood. Every time I would skype with her, she would seem very sad and depressed. It got so bad that one time I almost sent an email to one of her teachers telling her that I was getting worried about her.
    And then that December day happened. That day, I had came back to my dorm room in tears because my English 200 teacher failed me in front of the entire class, seconds after I told him that I had been suffering through depression. On my way back to my dorm, I received a text message from my ex. She said "we need to talk". Since she was probably in class at the time, I decided to text her back later. After I had calmed myself down, I went on twitter to see what was going on. That's when I saw her tweet. It said " Today's the day I'm going to be free". That's when I started to put two and two together. After spending about thirty minuets in denial, I calmed myself for the second time that day, I began to process my next coarse of action. After waiting for a few hours, I textted her back asking her what she wanted to talk about. My heart was pounding. After twenty minuets of waiting, I finally got a response from her. She told me that she was eating and that she would text me back as soon as she was done. After waiting for over an hour, I got another reply from her. She told me that she was going to take a shower. Ninety minuets later, I was still panicking and I finally got a response back. She asked me if I had had my finals yet. I told her no and asked her again what she wanted to talk about. She told me that she would tell me after I took my finals. That's when I asked her directly if she was going to break up with me. She then said " I didn't say anything about breaking up with you". I couldn't take it any more. I was absolutely sure that she was going to break up with me. Instincts took over my reasoning as I dialed her phone. She didn't pick up, so I left a voice mail saying how I would miss her and all of the things that you would say in a situation like this. Almost immediately after hanging up, I got a text from her. "Do you want me to do it over text, skype or on the phone." The rest of the conversation was muddy and personal. There are things that I cannot recall as well as things that are too personal to say. In the end, I cried for 48 minuets as I waited for my parents to pick me up. 
    After a bunch of other things happening, I ended up leaving the university and going to a community college, which I am proud to say, is almost like my second home. I made new friends, and even became an officer of a club. That summer, my cousin talked me into texting my ex and asking her why she broke up with me for closure. She told me that around the time of the breakup, she started having a crush on another guy, so she dumped me and told the other guy how she felt. The other guy rejected her and after that, her life took a spiral turn down. There were other things that happened to her after that December day, but I honestly don't feel like it is my place to mention them. In the end, she texted me, "I actually regret breaking up with you," . Personally, I found it ironic because, for me, after she broke up with me, my life got better and better.
    In the end. life isn't about the events that you go through, it's about how you get through them.  I'm not saying that all change is good, but I'm also not saying that all change is bad. Good luck out there!


    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I think its crazy how life works itself out. This really makes me hopeful for the future i cant thank you enough. I guess life really is about perspective..

  12. Hello, fellow bros and sisters. I am going through a bit of something right now, and theirs nothing quite like advice from complete strangers. so please, any helpful advice will be greatly appreciated!!!

    I broke up with my (now) Ex gf i believe 4 months ago. we were together for 3 years. I am 18, in college right now. I don't live on campus. i was doing okay (i guess) until i found out that she found someone new. Now i feel like that i am back to square one. Its weird though as i feel like i don't miss her, rather i miss the idea of someone caring about you in that way. It hurts knowing she moved on and the fact that i am alone makes it that much worse. People tell me there are so much worse things that could be happeneing, and i get that. I understand my problem is probably insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but still. Thanks for reading, and if you want more information so you could give better advice, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks again.

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