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Posts posted by starlessn1ght

  1. É uma questão de sotaques.

    Eu vivo perto de Lisboa, e fala-se de certo modo. Por exemplo, as palavras "Abelha", "Ovelha", "Vermelho" e "Caranguejo" leem-se todas como "Abeilha", "Oveilha", "Vermeilho" e "Carangueijo" ('ei' sendo um 'a' não-agudo, como o segundo 'a' em pássaro).

    Noutras zonas, por exemplo mais a norte, "vassoura" e "vaca" podem ser ditas como "bassoura" e "baca", tal como "café" pode ser "cafei".


    Dada toda esta complicação de palavras, eis um clip de audio no qual eu tento demonstrar o que acabei de explicar.


    Isto trata-se somente de um exemplo, e embora eu possa confirmar que eu já tenha, no passado, ouvido estas palavras pronunciadas tal come eu as disse, o meu sotaque poderá não estar completamente correcto, mas certamente dará alguma idea.



    Para além do mais, toda a minha família me assegura que "oiço" é uma forma correta de conjugar e escrever o verbo. Mesmo que eu não esteja certo, não serei o único!


    Ah, sim... Agora entendo do que se trata. Aqui também há isso. Caranguejo é geralmente pronunciado "carangueijo". Nós também engolimos o "i" de dinheiro, beijo, travesseiro. O "d" tem geralmente som de "dj", correpondente ao "j" em "jelly". O "r" no final é também geralmente ignorado. O "t" tem som de "ch", como em "cherry". "Mas" é comumente pronunciado do mesmo modo de "mais". E assim por diante... Mas isso depende da região do país também.

  2. bem, eu também nunca vi oiro e loiça. Talvez ocorra só em Portugal? O máximo que consigo pensar é, foneticamente, vc pode transcrever como "oro", "loça", por ser falado assim.


    Oro? Assim é espanhol, não?



    "Majoritavelmente"... Deixai-me dizer-vos que é um modo verdadeiramente peculiar de escrever a palavra. E diz-se tal como se lê?


    Sim. O que não se diz como se lê? Você quer dizer essas variações que mencionou? Se assim for, elas não são comuns aqui. Todos só dizem "ouro", "ouça"; apenas "loiro" e "louro" variam, mas acredito que o primeiro seja mais usado (o segundo é mais empregado para se referir ao tempero homônimo).

  3. Foi previamente avisado. Escrever não é o meu forte. Raramente o faço, hoje em dia. O meu Português é maioritariamente oral.


    Em Portugal vocês usam maioritariamente? Interessante... Aqui usamos "majoritavelmente".




    Para além do mais, maldita seja esta língua.

    Se temos louça e temos loiça, assim do mesmo modo que temos ouro, oiro, tesouro e tesoiro, quão difícil seria termos 'oiço'?


    EH?! Eu nunca ouvi falar de loiça, oiro, ou tesoiro. Pensei que isso fosse apenas no português arcaico. Mas de qualquer forma, você ainda escreve de forma muito bela. Acho que receberia nota máxima em redação se escrevesse como você...

  4. Moro na Bahia, e você?


    Teresina. (Neste momento meu teclado está derretendo enquanto escrevo :P)






    Bastante contraditório, seu português. Eu estava maravilhado com a beleza do modo como escreve até me deparar com isso  :amane:

    Oi, sou do Rio. Carioca que odeia samba, carnaval, futebol, cerveja e gente XD


    Ps: não faço encontros offline :P


    Eu odeio samba, carnaval e gente também :) 

  5. Ce fez Fisk? Era esse que tinha pra alunos de 4 anos, né?


    Eu também recomendo VNs pro povo, mas a maioria tem inglês ~intermediário~ e não consegue ler bem, o que me faz recorrer às quase inexistentes traduções em português pra eles.


    Ps: meu "sonho" traduzir vns pra PT-BR, mas eu não tenho condições de manter um projeto desse tamanho :<


    Eu fiz "Funkids" aos três anos, depois, mudei pra Wizard aos 4. Tenho colegas que fizeram inglês junto comigo, mas o nível deles nunca ficou muito bom não... Consegui aprender mais porque vivia ouvindo música na Internet, e procurando a tradução; também comprei a coleção "Magic English" da Disney. Acabou que em certo ponto, eu 'pulei' um nível acima dos meus colegas, e aí terminei o curso mais cedo. Enquanto eles fazem até hoje e provavelmente vão continuar por mais um tempo, eu já terminei ano passado. Mas o curso não dá muita ênfase em gramática, esse é o problema. Por isso ainda cometo muitos erros gramaticais.



    Oh, não esperava ver um tópico assim.

    Tou meio inativo, mas abro o fórum às vezes.


    Me sinto mais confortável escrevendo português, pois nunca tenho certeza se o que eu escrevo em inglês faz sentido. Culpa minha que nunca me importei em aprender gramática, e apenas uso inglês para ler na internet.


    Não me arrependo de ter me esforçado pra aprender o idioma. Principalmente por causa da Internet: o tanto de informação que há em inglês é gigantesco comparado ao que tem em português. Além do mais, se eu não tivesse aprendido inglês não poderia ter lido algumas VNs de que gosto tanto...

  6. Haha. Varios anos de semi-isolação só usando português pra trabalhar me deixaram ruim com a lingua. Meu vocabulario formal é decente por necessidade (a quantidade de cartas que eu tenho que escrever... Ugh), mas eu me encontro pensando em EN/JP muito mais do que em portugês- nesse momento eu to traduzindo eu que estou pensando ao invés de pensar em português- isso deixa a experiencia extremamente esquisita pra mim, especialmente quando eu percebo que é a minha lingua nativa. 


    Pra falar a verdade... Eu penso em inglês às vezes também. Mas, uso mais português porque tenho aulas todo dia de segunda a sábado, e segunda a tarde, sem contar com o tempo que passo estudando (lendo livros em portugues) e com a família. 


    Já tentei convidar mais gente pra ler VNs, mas o problema é o inglês. A grande maioria das pessoas aqui não fala inglês num nível que dê para lê-las. Minha situação é diferente porque sempre fui interessado na língua desde criança, e fiz um curso desde os 3 anos até os 14. 

  7. Usar português na internet é extremamente bizzaro pra mim- prefiro muito mais o inglês. que, nesse ponto, me é mais familiar. 


    Acho que é mais por causa das pessoas. Por que quando eu falo com alguém que eu já conheço IRL, não fica estranho...

  8. Embora seja português na gosto de bacalhau... nem cerveja, nem de ver futebol.


    Isto de falar português aqui é deveras esquisito.


    Eu gosto de bacalhau... Gosto de jogar futebol mais ou menos (gosto do esporte em si mas as pessoas levam muito a sério, e como eu não sou muito bom acabo me dando mal). Mas o que cerveja tem a ver??



    É estranho falar português aqui, mas às vezes acho mais estranho ver que o membro é brasileiro\português e mesmo assim respondê-lo em inglês.


    Mas dae, de boa na lagoa, povo?


    Verdade. De boa... n_n



    It is very relaxing, the characters are all very cute, there are some cute friendship bonds among them (specially Cocoa/Chino), it has some nice Europe-like backgrounds, it has coffee, it has rabbits, and the best of the show: RIZE-CHAN!... Honestly, it's hard to find a reason not to watch it.



    I'll also give you the picture you resaturated as being off, after that I didn't really read much more. I will say I personally liked the Yumiko expression in the carousal picture. It's not natural or realistic but neither is being able to see eyes over hair or eyebrows over hair or anime pointy chins or nonexistent noses or many other stereotypically anime art qualities. It's an overexagerated expression as used in many pictures that aren't realism/semi-realism and I personally think it's a cute childish cartoon expression that shows Yumiko caught offguard and in wonderment in a childish way while sitting on a childish ride such as a merry-go-round and it's a good juxtaposition to Yuuji's expression in the picture which is very subtle and mature. She's brimming with childish emotions and he's happy observing her and getting lost as a bystander or in his own thoughts (I can also see this scene as Yumiko being surprised that Yuuji is sitting behind him in this case it still feels like a childish expression as her being too naive to adapt to a more sexual situation otherwise I see it as a childish joy of the ride).




    The problem isnt not if it's realistic or not. It doesn't fit her emotions in that moment. And your comment in the end of the paragraph doesn't match with the given scene in the VN. First, because they didn't mention anything like that, and second

    they had already done sex before that



    This review is a bit old and granted I haven't read Grisaia yet but I looked at the art review specifically (because the art in a game is very important to me and it had a rather low rating) and I'm astonished by how ignorant some of the artistic comments come off.


    First of all as somebody who hasn't read Grisaia I had to pull up the VNDB page to understand your "ideas" on the characters. Why? Because you list the characters in a line and then you talk about Amane before Sachi while setting Sachi's picture in first. Why is this a big deal?



    In the pictures you place above Makina and Sachi have the same headsize and you're like "look the first girl has a big head but the second girl with the same head has a small head!" it's honestly the only reason I noticed they were out of order. But still, in that case. You make a comment that her head is bigger "in comparison" to other girls but Makina, Sachi, and Michiru have the same headsize. Michiru's head is perceived as smaller only because of how the frame of her hair sits. On her left (our right) she has a darker blonde strand that cuts into the face making it look like her face dents inward around the cheekline and on her right (our left) she has a very wide frame the cuts off far from her ear. Since Makina's frame starts right before the ear you're forced to see that whole round face shape, while Michiru's actually accentuates the face in the way a frame is supposed to. Sachi's face looks "thinner" only because she isn't in 3/4ths view like the other 2.


    Now we call Amane's face small but it's actually of comparable size to Yuuji and Yumiko. The difference is how Amane's hair sits. The screenshot below explains why her head looks smaller.




    Look at this picture and look at her sprite in your OP. Notice how part of Amane's bangs sits over her face as well as one of the 2 long strands of her "frame" (the medium length pieces that go over the front of her body and fall on either side of her boobs) actually goes over her face. It cover the side of her face effectively giving the appearance that her head is smaller....if you don't understand how her hair looks. But you know the second you realize how her hairstyle is composed and then you look and see that Amane and Yumiko have pretty much the same sprite head just flipped you realize you can just slap Yumiko's hair onto Amane and swap their eye colors and if you cut off their picture's before the neck and made them both a "avatar" image I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't notice the difference until they sat down and had a staring contest with the two, and even then I'm sure someone who hadn't looked at Grisaia for a few months would probably take a minute to figure out which one was actually Yumiko...because you know the both have the same face shape and size and the facial differences between them are minuet when you look at a nose line and the squareness of Yumiko's eyes. It's like the callings of "identical twins" in real life if that was all that was different in your facial anatomy.




    When I said 'big head', I was just talking about width. And Amane heads looks smaller in comparison to her body, thus the same doesn't happen with Sakaki.



    But let's talk anatomy. Let's talk about how the OP fails to recognize anatomy when criticizing Grisaia for ohmuhgawd changing the spacial difference between her chin and her mouth and turning her into a whole new character! because you know perspective doesn't exist in art and it doesn't matter where/how you look your head moves but if you look to the ground your eyes are actually on the top of your head and if you sit down your eyes are floating above your body just so that they "don't move".


     Yumiko's hair



    Let me start by saying these pictures aren't "perfect" replicas of each other. Now let me finish by saying the anatomy is perfectly justifiable in both of them. First picture is Yumiko looking down. How did my detective skills decipher such witchcraft? That piece of shading in the middle of her head is her hairline. It's after the bangs end and assumably around the centerpoint of her head. What does it mean when a person is looking down? I means that the top of their head (the part covered in hair unless you're bald) does not contain facial features. It means that since her top of her head is showing therefore her eyes are further down, therefore she has more hair. Look at the picture below to see what I mean.


     apollo13art.com's head anatomy study



    The middle picture of her looking straight ahead is the bottom picture of Yumiko's the picture underneath is the first picture of Yumiko's where she has "more hair". Granted the Apollo13 headstudy shows the downward glance at a more drastic angle, but let's talk about differences that were complained about in the OP.



    "a big part of Yumiko's hair is occupying her head" I already talked about how that's angling and there is no logical reason to give Yumiko a balding spot on the top of her head just so that it doesn't "look" like she has more hair.


    Her eyes are normally a vertically enlongated rectangular shape. Looking at Apollo13's picture you see that the eyes become "vertically pinched" when you tilt your head down, they don't become as long anymore. Therefore since Yumiko's eyes are supposed to take up less vertical space the rectangle shaped eyes are perceived as more square. I swear she didn't swap out her eyes, that's actually how Yumiko looks.



    You do have a point here.



    Again when you look downward everything on your face gets vertically squashed therefore her face will look more round. You can see in her sprite she's just barely looking down and has an oval face, in the 2nd CG you showed me she has a very oval face, in that first CG that you said made her look fat in? She's looking down at the hand in an angle that will squish all of her features and make them look fatter. When Yumiko looks more straight on she should have more space between the bottom of her chin and her lips than when she looks down. The only actual anatomy problem between the two pictures is the space between the nose and the lips as when she looks down they should be closer together than when she looks straight on. I believe this is more of a problem with anime noses than it is with the artist's sense of proportions because it would look really weird to have a nose that doesn't even have real lines to sit right on top of her lips.


    You say she looks down, but the thing is, she doesn't appear to be. At all.


    What I would like to talk about though is little Sach and little Yuuji and how the picture is actually really cute and says a lot about the characters and how they feel even to some who, again, hasn't read the VN.


    little Sachi and little Yuuji



    Look at their body language. Little Sachi is happy. Little Yuuji is sad. Sachi's head is more upward facing thant Yuuji's. On top of that Yuuji is slumping his shoulders (as seen by the obtusely downward angle) and Yuuji is hunched forward. Sachi on the other hand is in swinging position. Have you ever sat on a swing with you back perfectly straight? No not really. You lean forward a bit unless you're in the forward swing where you throw your body back. Sachi isn't slumping forward really. Since Yuuji's head is facing downward (as seen by how his shoulders end halfway up his ears and Sachi's ears are above her shoulders) it would be ridiculous for Sachi who is holding her head up higher in a position where their shoulders are even to have her head in line with Yuuji's. Her head is heald higher his is slumped forward at the same angle of his body. Sachi's chin his higher than Yuuji's, Sachi's mouth starts higher than Yuuji's, Sachi's nose line his higher, her eye line is higher, her ear's start/end higher...and her head ends higher. Please if I stood next to someone who was might height and then slumped my head forward don't criticize the guy next to me for having an enlarged head, you'll come off as insulting and probably get punched in the face.



    I shouldn't have compared the height of the shoulders... But I did this experience, with me and my cousin. Both of us stood in Yuuji's same position. And, no matter how low were our heads, our shoulders didn't come from right under our ears.






    Overall people are welcome to like/dislike the art how they please. I won't argue that. I will however say the evaluation of everything that was "wrong" with all the pictures was very silly and inaccurate. That's like saying you don' like pecan pie because it tastes too fruity. It's okay to not like a fruit pie for being fruity...umm but I promise your pecan pie doesn't taste like cherries there's no reason to use it as the excuse for why you don't like it.



    I was commenting on the pictures that when I looked I thought 'Ew, this looks weird~" And maybe I have commited mistakes, but this is because I'm an amateur when it comes to art. I'm not graduated in literature, or visual arts, or music, or scenic arts or psychology... But I won't stop reviewing stuff just because of that. Heck, I think almost no one here who reviews VNs is graduated in all those stuff. All I can say, however, is thank you for your advices (specially regarding perspective), and I'll try to improve next time. 

  11. lol  Just because it's mainly focused on comedy doesn't mean it's for idiots.  You may not like comedy, but that doesn't mean that anything with a focus on comedy is inherently shit.


    Bakage doesn't mean it's for idiots. But anyway, I didn't say it was shit, I just said that since it was focused on comedy, there was no real 'content' to take out of it...

  12. The only sequel I've played so far is S;G Octet, but, you know...


    I was wondering, due to the structure of VNs, how are most sequels made. Do they, like, pick up where each route left and get you to choose the route from the beginning? Or do they follow the generic bad end and do the routes all over again, but in a different way?


    I know there are lots of VNs that have sequels... There are ones, like Pia Carrot, that have like, 3 sequels... I'm just curious to know how they work...

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