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Posts posted by edwd2

  1. This is one of my personal favorites. I noted in my review that Eden is a classical contrast to visual novels that open with complex settings and intricate character relationships, but fail to close, leaving holes, needless infodumping, and wasted potential that couldn’t be exploited to begin with. Eden offers a simple and predictable plot that leaves just enough time to develop its small but focused set of rather mature characters. No random twists, miracles, drama, deus ex machine whatnot, those who should die, die, and vice versa.


    Notable downsides are a journalist whose purpose is mostly fanservice and annoying eye blinking. Character art is mediocre, although the background CGs are beautiful. Sadly it’s getting translated I heard.

  2. I disagree, there are VNs that rely on their unusual structure, and even when they don't, they often have bad endings to give some.meaning to the choices. Using walkthroughs is throwing away the little interactivity there is, and that's not really always worth it.

    Though if you just want to read it like a book, go ahead.


    That again, depends on the VN. Try something like しゅぷれ~むキャンディ without a walkthrough, it's complete waste of time.

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