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Everything posted by maki~chan

  1. You saw the movie I am so jealous!!! Nice socks btw
  2. Yeah I thought that after posting.. Ah my dreams... :'D
  3. Yeeess 7 gems 7 tickets thanks for sharing
  4. Oohh they didn't show on eng server sorry I can't see my announcements page that's why
  5. Question: I just saw some information, we reached 15mil users worldwide and vote for another card and they will give 1gem+ 1 ticket everday starting from june 16? On eng server too?
  6. Congrats Zehel for FCing two daily songs! I met with Kinto guy lots, he beated me all the time and I never ran away sigh *proud* sigh well he beated me not so bad at cool songs Just met rank#1 and he got 408k, I got 404k I usually get 415 ish but you know when you see someone you recognize.. you are the worst player :'D
  7. Yesterday I did my 10th voucher draw (aka 20% chance of getting UR) And what happened? I obviously got another SR. 50 vouchers=10draws=10SRs < this is cruel
  8. Sorry for your loss........ I know it hurts >.< And I spent my gems doing yolos in guaranteed period when Eri UR came I never learn.....
  9. I just realized... TOMORROW IS NOZOMI'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Piuuu 1 year how did you pass so fast ?! I still can't believe >.<
  10. They are giving two tickets on jp Got first one now and scouted new years Kotoriii ~
  11. That new Nico SR is sooooooooooo gooood She is now my favourite Nico SR and angel one is 2nd! I wish I had gems to go T1 >.< Well next year
  12. Ty today I sent you hearts, why not showing them toooo ?!
  13. Goooood 365 days SIF!!! Annnd my main jp acc ID : 328779893 (China dress Kotori) IF you want 2nd it has cool new years Nico UR or cool police costume Kotori UR : 192376984
  14. It's my very first digital art project, using samsung galaxy note 3's sketch, gotta admit after understand how the app works I really enjoy digital painting now. The one next to her is obviously me, but actually I'm the same height as her (162 cm) and my eyes not green in color, I just happened to like green. Still need a lot of training for digital painting and stuffs. By the way, really love the new UR Eli card, but I'm currently have insufficient gems for 10+1 scouting, gonna save them for upcoming Eli's event. Alas, the gems are a little bit pricey for my country's currency, so I'm not planning to buy any except for some very special occasions (if there's any).
  15. And this is the best I could do My combo is pretty good but after surviving first hard part I wish I could survive last hard part too since it is a bit easier than first one for me >.< But hey got another gem for A combo
  16. ~Creator of the Love Live thread! ~Spammer of the Love Live thread! ~Raper of his keyboard! ~Person, watched too many animes and has good opinions about them! ~Great helper to find stuff out! ~A good anime recommender! ~A really good friend! ~Missing person on skype ~Really good at SIF, *cough* senpai *cough* ~Translator of NicoMaki doujins Thank you for all of these NB we all love you and appreciate you Oh and he is allergic to strawberries (?!?!!!!!) Gosh cool guy is cool.
  17. Wow Nosebleed you are much better than I thought I won't ever FC otomeshiki
  18. I just did 1 miss on kokuhaku >.< and I usually hit that note >.< 15 lp atm
  19. Sorry everyone but today I guess I sucked everyone's luck... Used my scouting ticket and... I guess Umi couldn't stand my account and took Kotori I knew this was gonna happen My cool team is just a lot stronger than my other two ._.
  20. Wow someone FCed Soldier Game EX here other than imnoob92~sama Congrats!!!! I don't see myself anywhere near FCing it *Now waits for NB to FC it after event*
  21. I am actually very unlucky with scouts.. in april I spent 215 gems to solo yolo and got only two SRs one of them being teacher Nico And I have been playing since june and only have 1 UR card... I spent quite a lot too >.< I am going crazy about next Maki UR... Get her, and run away
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