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Everything posted by maki~chan

  1. Woooo he sent Hanayo tooo they look incredibly cuuute
  2. LLSIF ♥

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kosakyun


      Why are you apologizing? Hehe.

      I doubt that. I've yet to plan buying one.

      Or to save for one.

      I think it's great that a lot of you play it though. <3

      Anyway, nice youtube channel.

    3. maki~chan


      I felt bad writing it after remembering you couldn't play. Yes save for one and we can play together :D

      Thank you :D

    4. Kosakyun


      No need to feel bad!

      It's all my financial status' fault.

      No need to take the blame.

      I'd love to play with you one day!

  3. @ceris haha I want to play that I wish there was someone who could play with me one side me one side that person so we could fc everything T.T @kaguya wait for daily experts and susume tomorrow expert >.<
  4. I matched with tanpopo today 30 40 k difference but mooky one was so harsh ahh I could do 383k on wonder zone that was my all well still good score with a no ur team T.T
  5. First they never give me URs, now they're matching me with Mooky. Why so unfair ? T___T
  6. @Ceris: I'm glad then huh :'D @Eclipsed: Wow you could played with him Wondering the best teams in this game anyone have an idea whose teams are the best? And how many URs does that person own?
  7. Ahh I saw you wrote Hi there! When I didn't see a reply thought you couldn't play :/ Sorry because you wanted to take a screenshot >.<
  8. I.MUST.SAVE.MY.MONEY.FOR.MAKI.I.MUSTN'T.SCOUT.I.NEED.TO.WAIT. even if I wait, I won't get anything *throws the pillow*
  9. I feel the same I just don't wanna play it these days I agree both cards are better than event ones
  10. I love that skater Maki a lot! can't wait to get her too bad her skill is stamina
  11. I got Daring! I want to play it all the time >.< and I really don't like idolized card so this time only gonna get unidolized
  12. I tried both my real name and game name Im Hanayo well yes after Nico and Honoka my personality is similar to hers
  13. Wooo really interesting! Let me try AkemiChika is a R smile non idolized idol, with violet hair and green eyes I love this combo cause my favourite colour is violet too and I like green eyes more than blue ones OMG I AM A SMILE IDOLIZED UR WOHO ö.Ö İremsu Civelek is a UR smile idolized idol, with white hair and dark brown eyes They know me I have big brown eyes ^-^
  14. They gave lots of gems last year too Even more than what they gave us Last year Umi's cutoff points 45707 & 30949 This year 53371 & 41114 Last year Nico event 107K and 77K Let's see what will happen I love Nico but I won't go for top 1000 saving all gems for Maki (HAH LIKE I WILL GET HER HEH HEH(!)) ufufu
  15. And she is my 100th idolized card OMG just how better can it get? I am getting three gems from album rewards thanks to this card :'D
  16. So now we are all in 2015 And I just randomly woke uo (7am for me) Wanted to look at my game saw they gave us 2 gems I had 3 left from my bad scouting from yesterday and OH MY GOD I wanted to idolize this so much I didn't have any cool idolized SRs I finished the year badly but started the new one with Maki's SR card which I can idolize! Thanks everyone for praying I feel like I received a UR really :'D
  17. Stilllll a UR is a UR wish that was a Rin card but well we never get the ones we want now collect 5 more and pray harder hopefully it will be something you like
  18. IT IS 2015 HERE! WOOOHOOOOOO!! HAPPY NEW YEAR SIF FAMILY =) I HOPE THIS YEAR WILL BRING YOU HEALTH, HAPPINESS, LUCK, LOVE, ANYTHING YOU WANT! =) AND LOTS OF URS Thanks for being here and helping me a lot and not saying oh shut up to my negativeness towards this game :'D You guys mean a lot and you are all so kind people, generous, nice to talk to, Love Live fans Love you lots =)
  19. Thanks Ceris but I don't know japanese I guess I will ask google translate oh well It is 9pm here only 3 hours left to 2015 for me
  20. Thanks Ezee I emailed them but not sure how long it will take And I only had screensots of my scoutings and one getting a Honoka event SR I hope they'll help Uh I can't get any UR on eng I was happy to get one for each jp account now I am losing them how great seriously what a bad luck I have
  21. Im just so sad anyone knows the email address? I don't even know what to write but I will try :'( With that sadness I did many single draws yeah got nothing great way for me to start new year
  22. I got SR Eli from single draw on my 2nd jp account but then I logged out/transferred to my main before getting the code I lost the account with my first UR Rin :'(
  23. OH GOD NOW IM JEALOUS Ö.Ö WHOA LUCK LUCKY THING YOU WOW Cries in her bed* Uhh should I do a draw too? :'D nope I will get one SR so no no
  24. Thanks Eclipsed Wow I amso happy forr you Exteminator!!!! That's great! And I saw Praeliator got new Umi UR ohh just how lucky you are :'D congrats
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