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Posts posted by Nimbus

  1. To be honest, when it comes to visual novels I rarely check up on reviews. To date, I've never watched a video review of a visual novel. If it's a commercial title, I can usually find a wide number of people's thoughts on here and a few other outlets to aid in my buying decision. For games that aren't commercially available, I usually just check out the title myself.


    That said, while I'm not really interested in viewing a review for a visual novel, I'd be quite interested in watching something that goes in depth and provides critical analysis of a visual novel's narrative.

  2. Hey everyone.


    During one of lectures at university the lecturer said that it is a good idea as future employees in the media industry to build up as large a repertoire of journalistic activity as possible to help us stand out and get employed.


    This really got me thinking. I've always liked doing reviews so I figured I could do a review show on YouTube. It was around this time that I started getting into visual novels so I had the idea of doing a visual novel review show (there don't seem to be that many on YouTube). I have heard that people don't care much about video reviews of book so I was wondering if the same applied for VN.


    So I was wondering; if I did video reviews of VNs would you guys be interested in watching? (and just to clarify, I'm not asking if you'll watch MY reviews, just if you'd watch any video review).


    If you're wondering about content, I'm thinking of doing something similar to what Caddicarus does with his show "Tinker Time" (



  3. DragonBall is my favourite anime.


    Yes it has it's flaws but I still love it's humour, the fighting is epic, the characters are varied and have a lot of depth to them and it is just overall a fun anime. I like it a lot more then Dragon Ball Z.

  4. After much experimenting and observation I have come to the conclusion that people are trolls because they got some kind of sexual pleasure from ruining other people's fun. I shall call this the "Yahtzee Complex"

  5. I'd have to say Kanako from If my Heart had Wings, I know she works really well as a side character and that it is nice to have females who don't have routes but all the same, given how characterised and frequently she showed up it was a little disappointing to find that she didn't have a route.


    I'd also have to agree with those who wanted Setsuna from Hoshizora no Memoria to have a route. 

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