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Status Updates posted by LiquidShu

  1. These headphones are dope

  2. This... Seiko is to perfect. http://t.co/ohVg5ABP1V

  3. To busy playing Grisaia to go on forums right now.

  4. Trying to go to the Hatsune Mku Fest 2014 in LA the MIKU LOVE VIP tickets are sold out for Saturday much sad :( at least for now.

  5. Trying to study another language while sick is really hard ;-;

  6. Tsubaki is the best in G Senjou no Maou.

    1. MDruidd


      ahh, i don't know if you PM me.

      sorry, yupp... but for me is Haru

      if told to sort :




      and Kannon

      haha :P

  7. Ue o Muite Arukou

  8. Watch last episode of NGNL then new episode of If Her Flag Breaks then finish it with Mekakucity Actors :) good night ~

  9. Watched the sun rise pretty dope

  10. Watching an episode of Love Love! Then off to bed, peace ~

  11. Whoop Whoop Bischu is on C9 HoTS team, leggo.

  12. Why does every other anime have to make me cry on one way or another ... #madoka_magica http://t.co/0UeIaJiy3R

  13. Why does Log Horizon make MMO's actually look fun? ...

  14. Why hello there Yumiko icon :P

  15. Will be boarding my plane soon, wish me luck

  16. Yandere love needs to be a thing come on people what are you doing...

  17. Yay go mail! My #Wacom CTL480 Intuos has arrived <3 thanks #Amazon http://t.co/HqDdY466Fl

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