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Posts posted by Kuky_nekoi

  1. <AxionAzure> the house is a mess
    <AxionAzure> guess it's time for some cleaning
    <AxionAzure> I even bought myself an apron for that lol
    <DakkiNekoi> Like a maid?
    <DakkiNekoi> D:
    <DakkiNekoi> a sakuya-like apron?
    <DakkiNekoi> (~°o°)~
    <AxionAzure> not telling~
    <DakkiNekoi> uwu
    <DakkiNekoi> I'm gonna ask Zaka, he must know. huehuehue
    * Zakamutt remains silent, a knowing smile on his lips
    <jeftai> i should probally get ready for work
    <jeftai> its 5:11pm here and i still dint wash my face brushed teeth etc etc
    <solidbatman> 0.o
    <jeftai> so what should i do these last 30 mins before i gotta go to work
    <Flutterz> play nukige
    <jeftai> knowing that iam a waiter
    * rusanon se ha marchado (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
    <jeftai> and i cant reallt go around walking with a boner constantly
    <Flutterz> man the fuck up
    <jeftai> well my boss already tolded me to stop suddenly smiling like a creep during work
    <jeftai> so having a boner added with that not that great
    <Flutterz> well then don't smile and walk around with a boner
    <Flutterz> if he says anything just say you're not smiling like a creep anymore
    <jeftai> yea i already got that under control mostly
    * darkpheonix ([email protected]) ha entrado en #fuwanovel
    * Onee-chan da OP a darkpheonix
    <jeftai> so what to do
    <solidbatman> smile+boner=raping time
    * Lavi_PC se ha marchado (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
    * Lewycool smiles at solidbatman
    * jeftai smiles at solidbatman 
    <solidbatman> ... damn you both

    That's Lewycool for you~ !
  2. Welcome to fuwanovel fellow CS student


    Well you have played Clannad and Little Busters, that's a good beginning I say. If you aren't too fed up with KEY I'd recommend Kanon otherwise maybe Ever17 will keep you amused.


    In any case, enjoy your stay!


    Another CS student! Hurrah!

    Welcome to the forums.

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