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Posts posted by Kuky_nekoi

  1. Hmm, I'd have to say Hoshizora no Memoria. I was really engrossed in the story and it got me interested in astronomy again, even joined an astronomy research group for a little bit during school.

    Hoshimemo~ nwn

    I've just started it, it's kinda slow at first but enjoyable~ 

    Here, take this loli:



    Oh, welcome to the forums.

  2. Those... were the exact same ones I was planning to choose. Scary.


    Although I had another one in Grisaia no Kajitsu, when


    Sachi and Yuuji went back to her old house, and found all the pictures that her parents had been planning to show her on her birthday.


    And... you know what, ALL of Kana ~Imouto~. To describe all the depressing moments in that game would require a complete plot summary.

    Well, that moment in G-Senjou also moved me to tears...


    I don't know if it's sad, but, when Lucia goes to the sunflower garden and after one day of being with Kotarou like a normal girl... That moment when she told him the truth.

    And also, with the epilogue of the route, when they reach Girasol-7 sayng "These flowers are special, you can touch them [...]"... That was really emotive...

  3. Ello Ello! I go by Road or DraX online and I love VNs more than you! (JK, maybe...)


    I've been stuck on otakuism since Yu Yu Hakusho came out and have been in love with it ever since.

    I have watched every possible romance anime I have come across and most all the translated VNs out there and I CRAVE FOR MOAR!!!


    Which brings me to why I came to this forum!~


    I have been a self taught Japanese student for a while, and I wish to start my own translation project if possible!


    I am a noob when it comes to the inner workings of VNs and would appreciate all the help I can get!


    Hope I fit in well here :)


    Sounds like Haruhi-ism... <3

    And well...



    /me gives new guy a loli from tsurusaki takahiro


    A NEW LOLI!!  D:


  4. Welcome to the forums! I also don't have many friends who like visual novels, but you'll find many here to talk about them! 


    Well... "Bienvenidos... Bienvenidos... ¡Esta es la aldea de los paaaguuumon (8)!" make yourself at home, welcome~

  5. So I just finished watching Kanon and thought of all the sad moments in different VN's and what is the most tear-jerking of them.


    Mine is definately Kanon's

    Makoto's death, take everything sad from an old person dying from old age, a pet dying and a friend dying and mix it to get one of the saddest episodes I've ever seen

    close second is from Clannad 

    what happens after Nagisa dies and Tomoya completely losing the will to live, even sadder that he repeats what he's father went through


    That Kanon's sad moment is really sad... 

    Also, G-Senjou... 

    When "Kyosuke's Father" sacrifices itself for his "son"... Man, that was sad, but also is one of the most manly scenes that I've ever seen.

  6. Well... I've joined long ago, but i've never be active untill now, you know, studing is really time-consuming (at least here, the teachers thinks that we have a time-compresión machine in our rooms)...
    But now i've really wanted to participate more. I've really like (and laughed) with many of your posts, and I've been thinking abour what things I like the most. And visual noveles are in the list.
    Well, here (in chile) doesn't exist a comunity or something like fuwanovel, some people that plays VN's only plays them because they liked an anime, or something like. And a friend of mine, who translates things and reads some otomes.
    But... I'm really comfortable here. Maybe in some time I'll be appearing in the IRC channel (I'm shy...) and, thank you guys... Some time ago (four or five years) I was thinking that I was alone in this, but it's kinda relieving to know that are more people intrested in VN's.
    That is what i think of fuwanovel. <3
  7. Well, when I first read the post, I must admit that thought the same thing as you.

    But yes... If it's the first one, I may be a pluviophile...


    u.u so, imagine up there, a quote to the second posting.

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