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Everything posted by AMMSY

  1. Corrupt drivers and RAM overloads main cause are software related problems, my spidy-computer senses screaming inside of me to check update for graphic card and generally check for OS functionality. Thou I'm no expert, even less in Ubuntu, I'm pretty sure theres no problem in the game itself, in my opinion - either your OS is misbehaving or your graphics card lost his directions book, have you tried consoling about this with an Ubuntu forum? They might have an idea for how you can find the root cause.
  2. It's Grisia No Kajitsu so I must do anything in power to help you. lets see, I'm vaguley familiar with ubuntu but from what you said, it suddenly crashed right? you tried to open the game before re-installing it? Was it the same result or it was acting differently like crashing/freezing? From my knowledge in computers, a sudden crash from an application can be caused from RAM overload or corrupt drivers. Kinda, feels like something in your graphics screen of all things but I don't have enough evidence for that, have you tried checking validality for your copmuter compenents? updating graphic drivers maybe? In my opinion you should. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with a software for checking these stuff in Ubuntu or even how to do this..
  3. I don't know if it's my not really great English but I don't get you, if I had a link for some good learning material then your argument is absolutely valid. But I'm talking about mindset and approach method - I'll need to create the post collecting these first. It's not like they exist anywhere else. After that I'll surely PM him and ask for him to add it! It's not like his post is full of tips/tricks etc, just a collection of other posts and resources directing you to these stuff Btw: have you noticed that we tend to diverge from the topic of the OP and just talk between us. We should start PM ~shy face~
  4. Yeah I'm familiar with this post It's just that learning is not only about the resources but also the mindset and the method. We both could use the same book but not only learn different things, but also do it in very different ways.
  5. If it happen again then we are one step closer to any answer. The problem is in the computer, the error you showed says that the exe as failed to execute and you should check for viruses and try again. Remember to stop seeding your torrent. What kind of windows do you have? try compatibility mode (right click > properties > Compatibility > check Run this program in compatibility mode > try setting it on different windows version in the menu) Run it as Administrator (thou I never needed and I have win7, try it and tell us if theres any other result) If still it goes nowhere there might be an underlying problem in your computer, try installing: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download and doing a virus scan. when you use ccleaner, make an application & registry fixing process. ^^ both of these! I would also recommend as a general rule to have at least free anti-virus program, I use: http://www.avast.com/index but there are plenty more out there if you want. other options are: http://free.avg.com/ww-en/homepage - which I personally can't recommend but for fairness sake it's pretty popular. http://www.avira.com/en/index - which is solid http://www.bitdefender.com/solutions/free.html - I would take as an extra protect if you want https://www.malwarebytes.org/downloads/ - I really liked this one way back just remember it's name so I added it I would add, the download(s) in Fuwa are perfectly fine, never had a single problem with any of them. Either the problem is your Internet connection or torrent program (meaning corrupt downloading process) and/or computer itself (meaning problem with your OS to run the program) Goodluck!
  6. oh Ixrec.. I wasn't aware this was his/it's name.. I used his manga-conversation a bit to practice. To learn the characters I used this: http://www.tanoshiijapanese.com/home/ Then I used Anki with combination of this site Lessons and Verb Lists: http://123japanese.com/index.php?cmd=lessons Also using this site as a dictionary: http://tangorin.com/ After a month or so I added some grammar guides from: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar and http://www.imabi.net (I like IMABI better) As conversation practice I used: http://amaterasu.tindabox.net/guide/j-comi.php and http://www.coscom.co.jp/learnjapanese201/index.html#topicshot Now I'm finished with the http://123japanese.com/index.php?cmd=lessons 8 Lessons and I'm adding some more grammar information and sentences to my anki deck from IMABI, a yesterday I was going through the screenshot in VNDB and I was able to read/understand around 60% that was actually pretty exciting for me! can't wait to start reading Kud Wafter and see how I can manage with a full blown VN Actually, I was thinking about making a full guide for all the tricks and methods I used to learn, because it seems like people believe that they should learn Japanese for years before they can start reading, and I don't think it's true at all.
  7. The once in charge (aka the higher ups) were rookies before so again I absolutely refuse to believe that they are clueless about the emotional scars these kind of things leave you. and yes you are not wrong about the structure of the interactions, the only people I regularly saw was two "levels" up including occasionally appearing of some higher ups then them, which I personally didn't talk to even. And although I can't argue that I'm not a horrible person for doing a lot of other things, after this particular incident I was dishonorably discharged for eventually a sum of about 97 charges including "abusing orders" (might not translating it to English well, basically not doing what you told) "disrespect for command" and "mutiny". Can't say the months in jail were fun but I regret nothing I did to fight them. Although to be honest, I want to believe they had a good reason. I didn't really know the reason for why I was ordered not to attack, I assumed it was Intel because that what always came to mind when I was looking back at it, I want to believe that I was really wrong for disobeying these orders. Sorry I was a bit blabbering, I can't really talk about these stuff with others around me. Feels kinda nice to put it out there
  8. Well we do get off track from the OP topic here, I'll just give just last piece of my mind: These systems are run by people, and they absolutely can see how their decision will effect their subordinates and the civilians around. I was personally instructed to not engage enemy troops and let them attack other "expandable" troops. Do you think anyone, even a single person in the chain of command from the person who radio me the orders to the paper pushers sitting behind their desks, didn't know what this might effect the unlucky Rookies stationed there? I don't think so. It's just that the Intel that the enemy carried was worth more than these particular soldiers lives. I had a buddy in a special ops, serious shit there thing I can't imagine going through - you think he didn't know what he was going to get through? He, the person who assigned him to this job, and his commander knew what this kind of job will probably do to him. this is a possibility that everyone involved are willing to take. putting aside that he was 18 at the time.
  9. As a former soldier, I can tell you this: They absolutely know, the Army knows and acknowledges and actively deciding that this is the best course of action, the Army is not blind, you wishing that you'd rather die back there is nothing compared to the success of the mission.
  10. Wait are you saying that Amane + Michiru are ignorable? I thought Amane was one of the most liked characters.. First I'm sorry for the biased opinion on Makina but I never read her route. I'm a person who follows his heart first and it felt too wrong to me to read this moreover she didn't interest me as a person. As for the soldiers from Iraq and Afghnistan, this happens to a lot of soldiers from any country - soldiers are property and the army can't afford to look at soldiers as human beings. You are an investment and expect to deliver your worth or they will find someone who can, why would any system invest on or take care of flawed machinery?
  11. ^^ this Thou unlike you two I didn't like Makina, can't really pin point exactly why.. if it's her annoying way of talking or just her personality or something else entirely.. even the choice to get to her route feels wrong to me. Is it really right for him to take the money?
  12. Which game/route in the series made you cry? I found both the original and S, quite light hearted. Japanese isn't that hard to learn as some people make it to be, I'm 3 months in and I assume another week or two of studying and I'll be able to read my first VN in Japanese. If you want I can give you some good resources to start your learning process.
  13. Why do we call it Maji de [...] when the word 真剣 reading is しんけん[shinken]?
  14. Sorry I can't think of anything, something obviously changed even if you didn't actively changed it. I do however, would recommend the checking the obvious stuff like Administrator privileges, anti-virus disabling and read-only properties on the folder. might be worth it to try re-install the patch you've downloaded way back, backup your saves too! If you want, share with me some more info about the current situation and I'll try to think of something to try in order to fix this. things like: Did you try to make a new save? Did the new save show up, when you closed and open the game? how about the save showing up before you restart the game? like saving - returning to the title - loading. If you can't save entirely thats actually good news, just backup the saves and re-install the game entirely then paste the saves you backup to the SAVEDATA directory and it should work fine.
  15. When it comes to save files the engine acts weird, I was doing some experimenting and it would only "see" the save files that it (the exact version of the game) created. Although I used the Memorial Edition it seems that save files can become "invisible" when different patches applied to the main directory. Are you using an English patch? try installing a different one if you have installed one recently. If you are trying to transfer save files from another version I couldn't make it work so it might not be impossible.
  16. In my opinion either you have a problem with the installation/download, you don't run it as Administrator, or you should disable your anti-virus program that blocks it. You could try the following: Run as Administrator Disable anti-virus program Where did you download it from? I used the download form the Fuwanovel website, if you did too, try Force Check the torrent. Let me know if what I suggest didn't work and what result it
  17. I do almost the exact thing, just the first play I go without the walk-through until I get any end. then just start over with skip and save in key choices to get where I want to be and see everything efficiently.
  18. I got nothing, never cried to a VN. the only moment really powerful and I had something close to it was a specific moment in Grisaia no Kajitsu, at Michiru's route:
  19. AMMSY


    Thats why Buddhism seem to me like the most sensible religion. Thou I've experienced the evil side of religion for many years that my opinion is certainly not objective. I'm sorta agnostic - It seem very (very) likely that god doesn't exist thou I can't really say because religion has perfected this concept for so many years they managed to avoid the need for proofs, but because I don't really care about god/religions I often say that I'm a firm atheist to make things easier on myself.
  20. I don't really use Pixiv but there are some awesome characters in the links you've put here so I'll thank you and move along
  21. K so you aren't missing a thing, it's generic as hell..
  22. I can vouch for that, I played so many mmorpgs.. but still I'll at least try them out if it's free and offers (or claims to offer) a new experience I like exploring
  23. I was kinda hyped to see how it turned out, this and Blade&Soul really interest me way back
  24. How could you mention Yozora and not Yukimura??? I mean this girl is awesome! :
  25. I just got a beta invite.. started a new player in Tahyang server, just sayin..
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