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Posts posted by Berilium

  1. Uh, no. The writer of Majikoi is Takahiro, not Kinugasa.


    I know. I just wanted to make that joke somewhere  :yumiko:



    I rather liked Kokoro and Margits development


    They weren't bad at all. I was expecting something similar to the first game where you talk a LOT more so I guess my expectations were at fault.


    Oh yes Margit wasn't bad at all if you know what I mean.  :makina:


    Still Yukie will be ever my favourite.

  2. I finished the 4 main routes in Majikoi S and i'm like...did the autor of Akatsuki no Goei wrote this? What's with the cheap development in Margit and Kokoro routes and the sudden endings? ._. 


    In Monshiro's route it was all good and all that but they just wrap the feelings in the after story. I was panicking at first because it just threw me the endings credits in that sweet moment and I was like "ITS THAT IT?!"


    If it's the same for Koyuki i'm going to kill someone.

  3. Memrise recently made some ridiculous changes to the interface, making it oversized and uncomfortable to use. They claim it reduced the load off the servers by 75% but I guess that comes at the expense of it loading 750% longer on the user side of things. I wish all my courses weren't on Memrise, otherwise I would have already switched to Anki which must be more reliable since it's a program and not a website (never used it, could be some glaring faults with it too).


    Really? I never saw the previous interface so I don't really have much to say. I find it confortable enough. Maybe if I started using it before I could notice the obvious changes.


    Well on my previous topic I decided I will stay with Anki for my kanji study. I feel better with it.


    So my current kanji number is 243/1764. I started with JLPT5 Vocab on Memrise. I'll start with grammar when I'm up to it.  :P


    I hope I can go trough the study now. The sudden urge to procrastinate isn't here yet.  :makina:

  4. I got the idea of this post after finishing Bioshock Infinite + DLC. My brain was all over the screen after witnessing all of the events that happenned at the end.  :mellow:


    So let's discuss this or share other mind blowing endings/plot twists that happened in other games.



  5. Funny thing I had in my other computer a whole .doc file with a lot of vocab that I put together after I did some dictionary research. I began studying a little of it and left it alone after a while and now that my HDD broke I lost all that compilation I made :'c


    Well I think that's all I had to say about my inquiry. So I'll see what I can do with what I got. Thanks for the answer. ^_^

  6. Well I am on my secound playtrough in Rebirth 1 with all my party at lvl 999 (including the ones currently not in it). I'm in chapter 6 I think and I really don't have anything new to do but to do some colosseum fights. Overall I think I'm already done with the game. 


    There are other Neptunia games in english? I got interested in the story. (rebirth 1 is a reboot iirc)

  7. FEAR 3 sucks tough  :(


    The first game really left an impression on me, at the time I didn't really played a lot of horror games. I remember screaming at some point when Alma appears crawling towards you in an oficce or somewhat. I don't usually scream when I get scared but that was one exception xD

  8. When people get to know me "Interesting" is not a word they would use to describe me xD


    Oh now I remebered that I left Miyako's route incomplete after my HDD broke and decide to replace everything. And the True Route aswell (dont' know what's this about).


    So yeah my night is full it seems  :makina:

  9. lol and don't forget the 6 month guarantee... also you are stuck with a few brands like msi, evga or zotak xD

    No creo que tenga nada bueno Argentina..aparte del asado :P (no soy chileno o uruguayo eh soy argentino jajaja)


    There are some good products like XFX PSU and Gigabyte Motherboard. And I also got a nice I5 4690k. Not sure how good the OC is, I got no budget for fan cooler  for now.


    No es tan malo por suerte, hay paises que la tienen peor.


    Y es bueno encontrarse a un compatriota por estas partes.  ^_^

  10. Yeah I forgot to mention I already started studying the Kanji and the Kana just stayed in my head since I studied them months ago ^_^


    The only problem that I have is how much time should I invest in each topic for grammar. As I stated in my post when I began I didn't actually study and just read it like a text with some things staying with me and others just not understanding them at all. Now I want to fully study grammar and vocabulary thoroughly.

  11. This should be the moment when I write that I have been ocuppied with work and could't post anything for a while but in reality I just completely forgot one day and the day after...and the day after...and now that I decided to start with Japanese again I remembered that I had an account on this forum.


    I tought Ritsuko was the best girl aswell. She just looks so cute when she is flustered  :kosame: .


    But after I played Ayaka's she took the spot as my favourite with Ritsuko close second. 

  12. After months and months of doing absolutely nothing I finally decided to start studying Japanese again. 


    I hate my laziness sometimes. If I just continued studying now I could have been doing something more than starting with Kanjis and grammar all over again -.-


    I don't know if I should have a serious schedule for grammar. When I began studying Tae Kim's guide months ago I read it without much of a tought and just  because I was curious about the languague and was not really trying to study each topic trough. Some concepts stayed with me as I understood them and others had a rough time and needed some more reading.


    What do you guys suggest? 

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