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Posts posted by KT89

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nier said:

    The repercussions are more than just lost money though, it will definitly affects the decisions to release other VN titles, at 2K sales per title, do you think they will even think about bothering for that when they can get xxk sales from Japan alone? For information Subarashiki Hibi was the winner for Best Story category in the 2010 Moe Game Awards, so back home in Japan it's not just any run-of-the-mil title.

    I thinks its more a lesson that you cant throw up a game like this on steam with a bad description of the game, with a patch that has 90% of the game that your expecting people to find on their own and basically 100% relying on word of mouth for your sales, On top of that wasn't one of people who helped TL the game was trashing it before it came out and minor controversy about the game and censoring.


    It just seems like lots went wrong for what was always going to be a niche title in an already niche market and lets be honest if there wasn't a fan TL of the game done we never would have got a English release of the game.

  2. Was it really that unexpected though?

    The story is great but it was always going to have a smaller audience then any other visual novel due to the type of content the game deals with that is extreme even for VN standards and cant be taken out like other games to have a wider audience.

    It was kick started though and the translation was already done at that point correct so I doubt they took a loss on the game overall


  3. 30 minutes ago, Kiriririri said:

    If you very hard believe in that maybe you can find a meaning for -san in your head.

    Honorifics alone are in no way part of the culture but different levels of polite language are. If one needs to keep honorifics in the text to express the level of politeness used maybe that person should not be a translator. 

    Why can't you use the correct honorific and keep the meaning of the text?

    It seems that you want translators to go out of their way to ignore honorifics but your argument doesn't hold much weight especially when the characters are still speaking Japanese and using them.

    There are many scenes that specifically reference honorifics and to avoid them completely means having to completely rewrite a scene which causes it to be completely different from the original, the scene in MLA between Takeru and Sumika is an example of the top of my head that fully relies on the honorific being understood between the two characters. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Kiriririri said:

    They should be tbh

    They really shouldn't though at least in the case of the setting of the VN being Japan its part of the culture and should be kept accurate its kind of the same reason most Japanese dubs of English media dont add honorifics to English names.

    Personally when I see translations go out of there way to avoid using them or try to use not fitting English words it just makes the quality of the translation look lower even if that is not truly the case.


  5. 59 minutes ago, Nier said:


    Fatal Twelve 1.7k

    Root Double 20k

    Fault Milestone 100k

    Planetarian 20k

    Sunrider Academy 70k

    Grisia had $400k raised through kickstarter 

    The 2 you listed are not exactly close to LB in terms of quality and popularity.

    Also Fatal Twelve was funded through Kickstarter right?

  6. 9 hours ago, Kiriririri said:

    Little Busters 6.5k sales

    Harmonia 7.3k sales

    Clannad 54k sales

    Say what you want about Sekai Project they do a much better job at promoting their titles.

    Key should probably leave the publishing to NA companies.

  7. 6 hours ago, ratboi said:

    Ok so this is really confusing. I know I just posted something about this but I need some help. Basically it seems to be telling the story of the little busters as iff they never formed the bassball team? I just need someone to explain in detail when it takes place. Also I dont mind spoilers.

    Your supposed to be confused at this point it would ruin it if I explained it the above post isn't correct but just play through and it will make sense at the end when everything gets explained

  8. I'm just surprised they had the balls to translate it after it's already been done by fans, I would assume that everyone already had it since it's "free" and no one would bother with a paid version. Good on them.I wish they did the kickstarter in Yen and not US dollars, our dollar is about 30% weaker in just a matter of months. So that $300 pledge has now turned into very close to $500. Our dollar compared to Yen is still very similar.

    I supported it because on Windows 8 parts are unplayable and the resolution sucks hopefully this release fixes those problems.

  9. Hoshizora no Memoria once I got past how annoying the sister is it was pretty good, I guess I just didn't get around to reading the last route.


    Sister might be the most annoying character ever dont think I will ever finish that VN.


    Also Little busters! did the Kurugaya Rin and Refrain routes but skipped the rest because I didn't have much free time when I was originally playing it and never went back

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