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Posts posted by Charmanderson

  1. Hmm didn't see a lot of guys with long hair. Tattoos are generally frowned upon but long hair.... It won't help but really unsure on how much it would hinder. How well kept is it?

    I would say it's very well kept, I do my best to keep it nice and clean. I always keep it tied up when I'm on the street and only let it lose when I'm home.

  2. I'm here yet again to bother you all with my questions :3

    1- You mentioned that one of the major problems to go to Japan is getting the visa. Let's say I get it, I am guessing that it is temporary so how would I make my stay in Japan permanent?

    2- I am a male with long hair that goes to the end of my back, what would the implications of that be in Japan?

  3. Sorry to bother you all again, but i have another question. How is the transition from western products to oriental ones? Like, am I going to find familiar brands often or am I just going to have immediately adapt to their brands? I know is quite a silly question, but I have a bit of a difficulty changing brands, especially with hygiene products so i just wanted to know

  4. Award ideas:


    It's not spam, I swear! (Bronze, Silver, Gold levels) - Post a new thread, and have at least 10, 30, 50, unique posters comment in your thread. (Award can change each level, and numbers are subject to change I guess based on the active number of users)


    Facebook ain't got nothing on me! (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum levels) - Accumulate a total of 10, 30, 50, 100 total likes in the Fuwanovel community from other users. (Pretty self-explanatory for this category. Icon should definitely be modeled after the "thumbs up" Facebook like)


    Sharply dressed - Give yourself a unique avatar. You go girl! Looking good! (I notice a lot of members in the forums don't use avatars. Thought this would inspire members to be more unique, and is a pretty basic idea)


    Stick it to the man - Surpass Tay in all his glory. Only the truly worthy shall ever see this award. (More of a joke, but the idea of a "never" obtainable award I thought would be funny)


    Just some ideas.

    Something like these?

    MGggw5H.png  CoikpX5.png  aPfSwbF.png


    why bells? well, the notification icon is a bell so i thought it made sense, idk


    5Fcl4N5.png  Q3TR7qH.png  r3xasYx.png  a1peyHW.png

  5. A lot of these are looking great, thank you!


    One thing I'd like to ask --  please remember that while we definitely need to re-make many (if not all) the awards I already created, that's only half the discussion.  We need to brainstorm some new ideas, too!  The puzzle icon (with either greyed out or missing pieces) is lovely and looks fantastic.  If we don't use it for post count (or this or that), why not make it something else?  All we need to do is come up with a new idea for awarding it.


    Right now my ability to auto-award is very limited (right now it's only for post count).  I'm working on finding a way to auto-award for date joined AND "Joined before X date". If those are possible, then we can do yearly badges and awards for people who "survived" Fuwapocalypses 1-3.  Etc. Etc.  My point is: we need to think of other awards which won't require too much manual look-up/update.  Awarding people at the moment requires me to type their usernames by hand, divided by commas (i.e. "nosebleed,Tay,solidbatman,Ryoji,Aaaeru,...")


    Also, could we get a "First Post" badge? It wont show up for current posters, but it will for members in the future.




    Looking good, guys.  Keep it up!

    I was trying to finish the ones we have right now before jumping into the creation of new ones. I'm not that good with coming up with ideas (the only good one i had was the puzzle one) but, as you can see throughout this thread, when people give an idea I do what i can to make it happen.


    I'm trying to think about that "First Post" badge but all i can think of is a "1st" but it doesn't seem to be that good, anyone has any other ideas?

  6. Whoa, refering to women as tools and kick aside romanticism - I feel outcast :(

    For the sake of discussion we should name secondary traits, as I have the feeling, we talk about different definitions.

    For example a reliable tsundere like Tohsaka Rin is far different from clowny Matsushima Michiru.

    Would Michiru even be considered a tsundere? I mean, as far as i went in Grisaia she's just pretending to be one. But i see your point, even when two characters are in the same -dere type, they can be diferent from each other.

  7. Thank you very much for all your answers

    Alrighty, here's a few answers for some of the latest questions. More to come later~


    You can survive in Tokyo with no Japanese at all, if you just stay within the expat community. I have some clients who have been here over 10 years and yet speak no Japanese!! Particularly if you live somewhere like Roppongi, which is foreigner-central. That being said, you need to learn the language of a place to truly enjoy it, but I think you already know that :P It's scary not knowing the language of a place, and it can be difficult and upsetting when you feel you're not making any progress, but that's just something you have to deal with if you want to live abroad.


    The only other jobs I can think of that will hire foreigners from abroad (unless you have a special skill set) is recruiting. Anyone looking for work in Japan should check out www.gaijinpot.com, it's one of the best sites for job postings aimed at foreigners. They all list what criteria you need such as required language ability, and whether applications from outside Japan are accepted. And like I mentioned before, connections are also very important. By connections I don't mean that you need some kind of rich and powerful family member, I just mean that it'll be useful to make friends with people who are already in Japan (you've got one right here ;)) who can offer advice and notify you of any opportunities they come across.


    This is the hardest part in my experience! Most companies don't want to sponsor a visa for someone from outside of Japan - yet you can't get to Japan without a visa. It becomes a very frustrating Catch-22. The best way to get to Japan is either go with an English teaching company that will sponsor your visa and then look for other jobs once here (many people do this), or come on a working holiday visa which you can apply for by yourself, and again look for things once you're here.

    As Scars Unseen said, it really does depend on location. I live in central Tokyo which is very expensive, and even within Tokyo prices vary hugely by area. I'm paying 150,000 (split with my bf) for a 40 square metre 1DK place. We definitely could have gone cheaper, but it's in a great location and the building is very new with all mod cons. You can get a small place for less than 50,000, but when I say small I mean SMALL ;)

    Also move-in costs are extremely high - many places require around 3 months' worth of rent up-front which they call things like 'deposit' and 'key money'. Some places also don't allow foreigners. When I arrived I stayed with Sakura House for 3 months until I could sort out renting a place, and I recommend them for short-term stays as they cater to foreigners who don't want to deal with all the hassle of renting properly. You pay for the convenience though - I was paying 80,000 for 14 square metres.

    Utilities are okay, water is around 4,000, electricity varies between 4-10,000 depending on the month (more expensive in Summer when using the aircon!), and gas is around 3,000. Internet is 3,800.

    I am seriously considering the possibility of going to Japan although i think i would like to learn Japanese to a conversational level at least before making any plans. Your offer is much appreciated and hope that when i start making plans that offer is still valid because i would really appreciate some help finding somewhere cheap to live and in case I have no other option other than go to Japan via the teaching route i would like to get out of it asap (I hate teaching), some help with finding a better job would be nice

  8. It's still under construction.

    I just signed up to secure the username. It looks really neat by the way.

    I know, what i meant was that when it is oficially launched I won't be signing up for it right away, I'll wait and see how everything works and all, then when i feel comfortable I'll think about joining.

  9. If this becomes an award for me and others, I will kindly show myself the door. No thank you sir lol.

    why not? look at that beautiful, beautiful little fat slime. How could you not want that? Blows my mind

    Now, on a more serious note, today was kind of a "just for the lulz" day so far, can't really take any of what i made seriously xD

  10. I joined~

    In honour of that I propose we make the 2013 badge Kud-themed.

    Seem legit enough, here you go:




    Now, on a more serious note, I believe i said earlier on this thread that there were some poeple saying that "Survived the Fuwapocalypse" badges were a good idea but i got no response on this matter so i just dropped it

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