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Posts posted by krill

  1. waking up, i never know if after the 4 hours or so i slept il wake up stable or unhinged and it affects everything that happens that day on a bad day ill be angry , irritable and emotionally unstable, yelling at the slightest thing or brooding quietly all day, on a good day im slightly less like that.

  2. i liked it and plan to watch the second season it was funny and the characters are endearing the personality's and quirks of the girls are all very grin inducing if anything beside the girls them selves stands out to me it would be the comedy, its very funny .  the art is good and animation quality is average or so , the music is a lil forgettable but the character interaction really drives this show.

  3. welcome to fuwa, and i see you read cross+channel already so ill just suggest if you ever have a chance and want to watch a anime thats not your standard moe stuff, check out nhk ni youkoso. if you every need anything and think i could help just hit me up here ,skype or steam im around.

  4. i just started the daughter of smoke and bone trilogy by Laini Taylor, im nearly finished book 1 and its decent though her build up is really slow i mean she don't reveal any real setting relevant info till the first book is 2/3 done then she kicks the pace in to high gear and starts slamming you with it all in bursts. the characters are really enjoyable though and the descriptions a action in the last half are really good. the only negative im seeing is its just a lil long winded.

  5. i only use a walktrough if i cant progress further on my own, and even then never on my first play through . i only use them for the most part to help me 100% the game after i did at least one blind play. i did 100% steins;gate with no walkthrough and it took around 300 hours (thanx cellphone choice mechanic)/

  6. Not necessarily.  It's quite possible he was using the stick as a portable OS / browser so he could synch his favorites and such across different computers (remember, this is an IT guy).  It's possible and even likely that he downloaded the porn from a home PC.  I'd be cautious about making assumptions based on the scarce facts we have in this case.

    and some one found the images

    so they aren't very secure for a "IT" guy. i mean come on even i can run a simple encryption program.

  7. Do you guys understand that even if he wasn't distributing the images he was watching them in a computer lab which it was also used by students? He wasn't doing it from his home... there is a big difference there.

    Also when the student found the pic you can say he was distributing them, how can you forget something like that?

    He got away too easy for what he did.


    "five and 13 years old" .... "Newcombe came across the images while searching for adult pornography online"


    You don't find pictures of 5-13 years old girls when you look for pornography you search them!


    i agree maybe in the early ninety's when search algorithms were new and you would end up at web archives of unlabeled image files. but that was a long time ago and chances of finding something like that just laying around a web searchable site is much much lower these days. and even so if he by some chance did come across them by accident he saved the images and put them on a portable memory device. the reason i posted this here isn't the outrage at him carrying around cp its that the anime images were included in the charges.

  8. Am I the only one that thinks his punishment sounds just about right? It's not like he produced the images. Possession of child pornography should definitely be a criminal charge as he's helping create the market for it, but 90 days, sex offender status, and 2-year probation (with all the hoops and check ups you have to go through) seems pretty appropriate. I don't know how it is in Canada, but sex offender status in the US is pretty much a scarlet letter that makes sure you never have a good job and makes other everyday things more extremely complicated.

  9. well its happened again except this time he also had a few real photos as well as anime images. this makes us all look bad, every time this happens being a anime fan becomes a lil more irritating to explain to people who don't get it, and involves more and more defending.



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