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Posts posted by Flutterz

  1. I hope it's not too late to start this now.

    I figured with all my free time lately i'd do something productive and learning japanese seems like something extremely useful to me.

    I hope i can catch up with some of you at some point. Let's work hard~

    Really big thanks to Tay for even posting this as i'd have never gathered up the courage to figure out how to learn japanese properly without a solid method.

    Time to study now.


    Just one doubt, I don't have a budget to buy the actual book so i downloaded all 3 volumes but they're the 4th edition. Are there major changes with the 5th edition or is it still useful?

    I can alwas update my decks to match of course, i just wanted to know for sure.

    Good luck, but keep in mind that you need to need to study consistently, taking breaks begets taking breaks, and quitting means you've wasted all the time you've spent. Hope I'm not being too negative ^^

    There's a 5th edition download on one of the first posts, unless the download is down. Also you only really need the first book and the free supplement PDF, together they have all the joyo kanji which are by far the most important to learn.

  2. I'm probably not going to bother making a blog, since I'll most likely forsake it in a few days. I've gotten a bit lazy with reviewing Kanji on Anki, if I don't remember a Kanji I just press good and hope I'll remember it next time. But I've been reading Da Capo III for a week now, adding every single word I come across to Anki, and as a result I currently have 807 cards in my Vocab deck.

  3. For the longest time the closest thing I've ever played to a VN was Persona 3 Portable, and I really liked the social part of it, even though I had no idea anything like VNs existed. Then about a year and a half ago I randomly found Katawa Shoujo on the internet, played it and loved it, but still didn't bother looking into VNs. A few months later, I couldn't get to sleep, so I started looking for things to do on the interwebs (I only had my netbook), and eventually stumbled upon VNs, namely Cross Channel, and from that point on I was hooked.

  4. 1) I wouldn't mind it, although I don't think I've played any VNs where a lot of emphasis is placed on a route with a blood-related sibling. In Sharin no Kuni Ririko barely ever appears, in Da Capo, Kana Imouto and G-Senjou you're not blood-related. The closest thing I can think of is probably Nayuki from Kanon and Saki from Yukizakura, but those are cousins. In any case, doesn't really matter to me.

    2) Like RusAnon already said, no fiction should ever be outlawed.

  5. I pretty much just play Dota 2, that game is like crack. You know it's bad for you but you just can't stop. I did take the time to play The Stanley Parable, which was a ton of fun, and I play Terraria every now and again.


    I played Skyrim when it had just come out, did pretty much everything there was to do in a week, and haven't played since. :D

  6. 11kxgew.jpg

    Symphonic Rain


    Symphonic Rain takes place in a fictional city of apparently Italian heritage, where rain falls everyday. The locals there have adapted to this peculiar phenomenon, and carry on with their lives as if the rain was never there. No one takes an umbrella, no one wears a rain coat.
    The main character of the story is 17 year old Chris, a Fortelle student of the famous Piova Communal School of Music (Scuola Comunale di Musica Piova, in Italian). Separated from his childhood sweetheart Arietta when he left his home town for the city, he keeps in touch with her through the means of weekly letters. Penning their thoughts on those letters, Chris treasures and keeps her weekly writings, for he had promised her that should his drawer become totally filled with them, he would return to her.
    The game starts during Chris's third year as a student, a few months before he has to take the school's final graduation examination: a staged performance. As an instrumentalist, he is required to search for a vocalist partner before he is eligible for the examination.
    Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order

    The recommended route order is Fal -> Lise -> Torta -> Al Fine 1 -> Al Fine 2 -> Phorni. Fal and Lise can be completed in any order but you should only do Torta's route after the other two, and Al Fine 1 can be skipped but it is a bad idea to do so.
    About the music minigame: The gameplay consists of pressing the right button when a note enters the column in rhythm with the song that is being played. Keep in mind that "+" is actually ";", "<" is actually "," and ">" is actually ".". There are three difficulty settings which can be selected in the options menu. On Easy you only need to worry about the "D", "F", "J" and "K" keys, Normal also adds "A", "S", "L" and ";", and Hard uses all the letters on keyboards. Alternatively you can turn Autoplay on, then the songs will be played for you which is the closest you can get to skipping them.
    Route Guideline



    Falsita Fawcett

    Good End

    -Properly explain
    -Not today
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Lesson Room
    -Old School Building
    -I don't
    -Don't practice
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Left Practice Room
    -Anytime you're ready
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Left Practice Room
    -Left Practice Room
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Left Practice Room
    -Left Practice Room
    -Go together with Fal
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Okay, fine
    -Left Practice Room
    -Shut up!
    -I will come with you

    Bad End

    -Properly explain
    -Not today
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Lesson Room
    -Old School Building
    -I don't
    -Don't practice
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Left Practice Room
    -Anytime you're ready
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Left Practice Room
    -Left Practice Room
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Left Practice Room
    -Left Practice Room
    -Go together with Fal
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Okay, fine
    -Left Practice Room
    -Shut up!
    -I can't



    Liselsia Cesarini

    Good End

    -Properly explain
    -Not today
    -Old School Building
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Lesson Room
    -I don't
    -Don't practice
    -Old School Building
    -Old School Building
    -Old School Building
    -Anytime you're ready
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Old School Building

    Bad End

    To get Lise's bad ending, simply make all the same choices but fail the final performance.
    -Properly explain
    -Not today
    -Old School Building
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Lesson Room
    -I don't
    -Don't practice
    -Old School Building
    -Old School Building
    -Old School Building
    -Anytime you're ready
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Old School Building



    Tortinita Fine

    Good End

    -Properly explain
    -Request her help
    -I don't
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Lesson Room
    -Old School Building
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Anytime you're ready
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -I do

    Bad End

    -Properly explain
    -Request her help
    -I don't
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Lesson Room
    -Old School Building
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Anytime you're ready
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -Practice Room (Practice/Don't Practice)
    -I don't know yet



    Al Fine

    End #1

    After you get all 3 heroine's good ends, you can start Al Fine from the main menu.
    -Gave in and began to explain himself
    -Hurry onward

    End #2

    -Gave in and began to explain himself
    -Sit down
    -going after I change





    After you finish Al Fine 2 you can start the normal game by choosing Da Capo in the main menu. From this point on anytime you play you will get a new choice at the start. Pick "I don't want to remember" to play Fal's, Lise's, or Torta's routes, or "I have to remember" to play Phorni's route.
    -I have to remember
    -Properly explain
    -Not today
    -Lesson Room
    -Practice Room
    -I don't
    -Old School Building
    -Don't practice
    -Return Home (Lower left corner)
    -Practice Room
    -Return Home
    -Practice Room
    -Practice Room
    -Practice Room
    -Return Home


    This walkthrough is based on info attained on Gamefaqs.com with some adjustments made by me.
  7. I really like the Monty Hall problem, which isn't really a paradox, but it's a pretty unintuitive problem.


    Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?


    As for actual paradoxes, Catch-22 is my favourite. Originally it goes something like this:



    If a pilot is insane then he can be grounded if he requests it. If a pilot requests being grounded, then he is sane, since nobody in their right mind would want to go on a dangerous mission, and since he is sane he must keep flying.



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