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Status Updates posted by DarkZedge

  1. Ded or not ded that is the question. Depends on what you'd consider being alive to be :makina:

  2. Sometimes you have to risk everything for that dream no one can see but you


  3. Thank you @Kawasumi for giving me the magnificent neko that I now made my avatar (after a lil editing) all the love for ya....No homo....maybe a lil homo hiding in there. :yumiko:

  4. Flying Pantsu's site is still down...Hope it's brought up again soon enough....Despite knowing how futile it is I still check regularly for the K.O patch. 

    Please let it be sooooooon

  5. Flowers is pretty damn good so far, It's not the greatest story but it's relaxing and cute at times with some mystery. The art while it's still great because you can see the usual amazing work from IG, I do dislike that white-ish filter they used over the sprites and VA is also great as always, music is nice as well.

  6. Enjoying Shiny Days and Danganronpa 2, I need to read those I have stalled aswell and finish them up :yumiko:

  7. It is so hard to take recommendations nowadays because people are so biased towards the genres they enjoy the most and same goes to the bias they feel towards the genres they don't like.


    Ps: I'm not saying I'm not biased towards some genres as well but I do try to keep my recommendations objective though I don't always succeed. 

  8. Yet another thread falls victim to petty arguments derailing the main topic.


    Fuwo never changes.

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