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Status Updates posted by DarkZedge

  1. Grinity grin grin. 

    1. Dergonu
    2. DarkZedge


      Ah Lilith, I still desire my Raziel and Lilith sandwich with myself in the middle.

      Heaven and Hell the best of both worlds!

  2. Might be self-serving but I'm really happy with the latest sig I made, even if it has flaws I love it.



    Also IBUKIIII!

    1. DarkZedge


      My avatar was also made by me, happy with it aswell :sachi:

  3. Enjoying Shiny Days and Danganronpa 2, I need to read those I have stalled aswell and finish them up :yumiko:

  4. Flying Pantsu's site is still down...Hope it's brought up again soon enough....Despite knowing how futile it is I still check regularly for the K.O patch. 

    Please let it be sooooooon

  5. So eager for Koiken Otome....the wait is killing me although I know it's closer than it's ever been.



    Also a mention for Princess Evangile W-Happiness which is another one I'm currently waiting for, is it just me or the progress on this one is quite slow?

    1. Dergonu


      Koiken Otome hype! :sacchan:

      And yes, the W Happiness is taking it's time.... Really want it now!!! :wafuu:

    2. DarkZedge


      Ì've been checking it's progress and always tick up slowly week by week......PUT MORE PEOPLE TO WORK ON IT! :sacchan:

      SENPAI! :kosame:

  6. Time for some more Ribi-Rabi

  7. Damn I had dismissed Rabi-Ribi thinking it was just another run of the mill sidescroller and I deeply regret doing that back then.

    I'm loving this damn game...so kawaii

    1. Dergonu
    2. DarkZedge


      Instead of watching me, listen to this 


  8. What a shame that Mera's route isn't as good as Elina's or Rio's...I liked her character quite a bit even if not as much as I love Elina, I still wanted her route to be just as good and was looking forward to it :kosame:

  9. おたんじょび おめでとう、せんぱい!

    Wasn't the first in the chat but I was in here! :sachi:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarkZedge


      I know it is, "Nekos"...."Nekos"


    3. Dergonu



      I love the scene when Rin first walks in on her changing. He is like panicking and she just stands there going, "なに?"

    4. DarkZedge


      Haha yeah, Oh good ol Shuffle! so many hate you to death but I'll always love you!

  11. Got to 300 likes, thanks everyone :sacchan:

  12. Grumble Grumble Grumble is it April yet?

  13. I know it has nothing to do with Vn's or anime but i wanted to share my happiness over the Remastered Version of The day of the tentacle coming out...I played that game when i was a kid and still remember it quite fondly as one of the great ones from the point and click era

  14. Finally done with Danganronpa..simply amazing..I personally loved it and can't wait for the next one to come out in april.

    Just gonna relax with the school-life mode until then and maybe another vn to kill time aswell....mmm IMHHW or Kindred Spirits?.. hard to pick, opinions? :sacchan:

  15. Changed my Pic and Sig and though i'll miss my adorable Wanko, i love the new ones aswell...even if i know they're not the best edits since i'm still not that good at PS

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dergonu


      Haven't played the game /10.

      (It does look pretty good though :sacchan: )

    3. Dergonu


      Good work kouhai. You are getting better at photoshop.

      You still have miles to go to catch up to your amazing senpai though.

      (Hah, he doesn't know that I suck at photoshop myself.)

    4. DarkZedge



      Your words push me to work harder to hone my skills (whatever they might be)

      Also, play the game, you'll enjoy it

  16. After some time having erratic time frames and not being able to be on for a while...I'm back and gotta say I'm damn glad to be...I missed Fuwa and it's awesome people :sachi:

  17. Well, made a new sig..I like how it came out though it's nowhere near perfect

    Improvement even if slight it's still improvement :sachi:

  18. Woot stuff is still broken, but at least progress is being made lil by lil, i want the spoiler tags button back though...i fail too much without it :kosame:

  19. Fuwa seems to be quite unstable..sometimes it will load and others it won't prompting to try again later..sems things are breaking left and right and being fixed at the same time.

    At least now i can type and see my messages and notifications again as before i couldn't unless i used Edge which sucks major ass.

    Hopefully things will be better or back to normal soon enough, i know Tay and everyone is giving their all to fix it:sachi:


  21. Got Gahkthun, time to see if it's as great as everyone keeps telling me it is

  22. Finished Shinigami wa Kiss and really enjoyed it, the last route more than the other two but it was overall great and now i'm playing through Swan Song by popular demand although i can't remember who told me to do so:miyako:

  23. Yooooo, which kanji goes first? from levels 1-5? start on 1 or on 5?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dergonu


      Yeah learn hiragana first, its very basic and essential. 

      Furigana is easily turned on in most translation programs you can run next to VNs, like Chiitrans lite that deep blue has a guide on here:


      Basically, once you have the hiragana locked down, you can "cheat" by changing all kanji to kana, (small hiragana letters appear above the kanji). 

      Common use kanji is always good to know though, but START with the hiragana, then move onto the kanji little by little. 


    3. DarkZedge


      I've got most of the hiragana down but i do have to lock it down properly and memorize it

    4. Dergonu


      Yeah its all about practice. Personally I used "remembering the kana" by James W. Heising. Its a brilliant book that uses different tricks to make you remember each kana. 

      But any hiragana chart you can find online for free is fine. Just practice and it will stick with you pretty fast. 

  24. You're an evil evil baka:vinty:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarkZedge
    3. Dergonu


      Ahh, Kohai! Kawaii!!!

      *ruffles your hair*

    4. DarkZedge


      -Smacks your hand away- Am. Not. Your. Kouhai.....BAKA!!:saber:

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