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Posts posted by Crimrui

  1. First of all, I take my cap off to the translation team on this VN. It is a really professionally done work. Also notices during the play are FTW ^^

    Finished the three routes so far, and I'm having a mixed feelings. Part of of was MC's fault. I know most of you view him as badass, and I agree that he is really cool, but his nonchalant personality at the first half of the VN, kinda irritated me. His witty responses on girl's expenses come as annoying when reused too much and always answering a question with a question lets the conversation drag too long. I'll agree with the Principal's quote within the game, which is that ''every conversation with him is an exhausting experience.'' I understand why he has that kind of personality, still doesn't mean I have to like it.

    I liked Amane the best, but towards the end after you get behind her story, she pretty much looses all of the personality she carried throughout the game. The last hour is not enough to show how much is she stayed true to herself cuz' everything was too gloomy. A happy ending turned more then bittersweet, especially the time skip part...

    In the end I think overall VN is alright, but I'm not satisfied as I hoped I would be. And Yumiko is my favorite girl, fallowed by Makina and Sachi,

    Anyway, time to watch some funny videos on Youtube to relax. ;_;

  2. Welcome to the forum. The people here are nice so you'll enjoy it for sure. ^^

    Yuri huh? That theme is not that widely spread among the VN. Hopefully we will see those much more in the future. ^^

  3. I've been tempted to buy another one on several occasions throughout the year at conventions but I've yet to do so. We'll see, I've got one coming up in August so I might see another one of Tony's figures to graces the shelves, so to speak :P

    I'm probably getting Xiao Mei and Mistral in the future. They look amazing. What do you think of those?

  4. Either way, sooner or later we'll be hunted down by Kendjin

    He can't execute us without a fair trial. I think we got some good points for showing people the light with these posts. Otherwise they would search aimlessly.


    Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! ~The Animation~ / The Pollinic Girls Attack! ~The Animation~


    group, lolicon, public, unwilling, willing, yuri, happy etc.


    Based on the manga by Koume Keito (小梅けいと). In this alter reality sex is not a reserved theme not even a discrete thing. Due to the existence of female and male pollinic humanoids, they travel just like pollen via the air and just when they find a receptive human they start their process of fertilization or at least thats what they intend to do. It's just normal to see them everywhere and everytime, there are only few ways to avoid them, so almost anybody is caught up.

    Why you recommend it:

    Ecchi everywhere!


    Apparently people can still do their job at work while their colleges are having time of their life in an orgy.

    Can be downloaded BY:

    Searching carefully.

  5. Hahaha.. Suddenly this has become a competition... Oh well, A good way to add some posts...

    It's not a competition if no one is actually taking these recommendations into consideration. :P

    Ugh, wrapped my tongue (fingers?) with that.


    Soukou Kijo Iris / Armored Knight Iris


    Tentacles, monsters, aliens, gangrape etc.


    Armored Knight Iris and her group are charged with maintaining order for the Intergalactic Government. However, Iris is captured and sold into sexual slavery, to be used by various alien creatures in various perverse ways.

    Why you recommend it:

    It has Jabba the Hutt as a special guest star.


    It has a good ending... that matters, right?

    Can be downloaded BY:

    Go to Google search, type this series name then putting word ''download'' behind it. It's smooth ride from there.

  6. mada mada...


    Uchuu Kaizoku Sara / Space Pirate Sara


    Futanari, gangbang, rape, monsters, tentacles etc.

    Summary: (MAL Summary)

    Sarah is a most terrible pirate knight who dances her way around the galaxy empire that has been ravaged by war. In the galaxy ruled by a number of power-hungry rival warlords, an evil sadistic web is woven around Sarah, who is slowly guided down to her destruction. When the silver knight Sylia comes across the evil aristocrats who have run the gamut of corruption in the galaxy and the slave traders of darkness, the demonic twins, a desperate predicament is visited upon Sarah!

    Why you recommend it:

    It has space pirates...? No, honestly it has lolis riding some futa- girls. You don't see that often.


    Animation is so and so but it has verity of scenes to please a lot of different viewers. Good ending and and exclusive sequel in a form of bonus video is epic.

    Can be downloaded BY:

    Searching carefully.

  7. Title:

    Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa


    Action, fantasy, martial arts, drama, superpowers, adventure, shounen, tragedy


    A Holy War, from ancient mythology, where the Goddess Athena and Hades have fought against each other while defending the earth repeatedly over the span of 200 years. The story takes place in 18th century Europe, 243 years prior to the original "Saint Seiya" Three small children, Tenma, Alone, and Sasha have all shared a very happy childhood together. Tenma who is quite aggressive but upstanding has moved to Sanctuary to become a saint. It is there that he is reunited with Sasha who is the sister of Alone and learns that she is the reincarnation of Goddess Athena. Alone, who is kind, gentle and loves painting was chosen for the body of enemy King Hades. Tenma eventually becomes a saint of Pegasus and engages in a fierce battle with his best friend Alone, the King of Hades. Pegasus Tenma, King Hades, and the Goddess Athena and through the twist of their 3 fates merge together which unfolds a prologue to the original Saint Seiya.


    If you want something a bit different in shonen type anime, where power of friendship doesn't always save the day and when there are a lot of deaths from good guys's side then pick this up. I know a lot of people ignore this anime ether cuz' it's ether a part of Saint Seiya universe or they skip it as seeing guys in golden armors doesn't look too appealing. You don't have to know anything about Saint Seiya to enjoy this. This anime actually has side characters that can do things on their own, go on the missions and fight on their own with main character never getting involved. If you see a new character you know that after one or two fights he will die.

    Why You Recommend It:

    Because it's unappreciated and I know a lot of people like ''fighting'' type of anime.


    Anime unfortunately has only two seasons, but if you come to like it, read the manga as it has finished.

    Can be downloaded/read at:

    From torrents.

  8. Ok, let's see where this goes...




    yuri, futanari, action...

    Summary: (MAL Summary)

    A war is being fought between the goddesses of dark and light. While the former try to steal the jewels from innocent women, leaving lifeless husks, the latter hunt the evildoers. Both types of goddesses are equipped with powers to fight, but their strongest weapons are their retractable penises—flooding the enemy with pleasure is the only sure-fire way to win.

    Why you recommend it:

    Great animation and highly recommended to futa lovers.


    Only one episode and a weak special so far....

    Can be downloaded BY:

    Searching carefully.

  9. Not much anime found it's way into my watching list this season. Dangan Ronpa the Animation is one of them, but since I played the game I'm now looking fault at every scene. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't play the game...? Anyway, it's cool so far. New Order OST pleases my ears every time.

    Aside from that I'm enjoying Shingeki no Kyojin and Majestic Prince as well. ^^

  10. ^That's a pretty awesome collection there. Shining Tears/Hearts figures are among my favorites. I envy you how you can display them. I live in a pretty polluted city and dust keeps piling up within a day so I can't display them openly like that. -_-

    I'm kinda weak this year. So far only bought Yui and Cryska figma from Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse.

  11. sharin no kuni, that must be pretty heavy on the heart too....?

    and 28 yr old is not old (otherwise id be old too)

    i think u will like grisaia

    Ah, I didn't elaborate that. If it's heavy I usually ask around concerning the ending and if it's a good one I pick it up. Let's just say there are exceptions within my rules. ^^'

    And thanks everyone again for the welcome. Really nice place.

  12. Hello. ^^

    This is really an awesome place. You have no idea how you saved me time to search for all the info regarding the new visual novels out there. This site is going at the top of my bookmarks. Anyway, I'm 28 years old and I live in one of the poor countries in Europe. Yeah, I'm relatively old guy still hung up on video games and anime. Don't remember when I got in touch with VNs, but through some fog I think it all started with an oldie called Hexamoon Guardians on psx. It was in Japanese and I played it even if I had no idea what the hell was going on. But I looked at the images like a retard and it was enough for me. It also had mecha combat as the story progressed through VN style of gameplay. That type of interaction was interesting to me and I wanted to find out more about it. And yeah, it was a shocking discovery which showed me that not all games are made in America. Ah, the life of ignorance...

    But anyway, I always try to play most of VNs in order to grasp experience from different genre, even Otome games. But, even then I tend to stay away from some, like those heavy on the heart since I'm a bit too emotional. The characters and the protagonist mostly does it for me in the game, so if the main dude is an a-hole, I'll certainly enjoy the overall story less. I'm even more picky when it comes to eroge. Still, there are exceptions like Lighting Warrior Raidy and Monster Girl Quest that I really enjoy. They are a bit different then your standard VNs but I guess it's worth a mention.

    To wrap this up, my favorite current VNs are (in no particular order) are Steins Gate, Katawa Shoujo, Muv-Luv Alternative, Sharin no Kuni, Maji de Watashi ni koi Shinasai, Galaxy Angel, Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Little Busters, Monster Girl Quest and Okasare Yuusha series. Honorable mention goes to 11Eyes but since it was never fully translated I didn't want to include it in my top list.

    So, nice to meet you all and sorry for my bad Engrish. ;)

  13. Hello, new here and I'm hoping I'm not breaking a rule but there is one thing on which I have to complain. I really love the site, everything in it is awesome. Very approachable, nice and tidy. But those guest comment sections on every VN page is killing this. There is a lot of spamming. Whatever I write it disappears in a day or two. When someone wrote a problem I gave the answer, but that answer was deleted by other day. I know it's made so it's accessible to newcomers but a lot of people won't play nice and post crap. If there was some way to fix that, it would make this place even more awesome. Just my two cents.

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