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Everything posted by br4zil

  1. In non VN world: -Tomb Raider 2 -Stroke of Fate: Operation Valkyre -Street Fighter 5 In "kind of" VN World: -Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed -Hyperneptunia Series in VN World: -Koisuru Natsu No Last Resort Seriously need to start finishing them up, i kinda do half hour of each and then change to another or go do something else
  2. Emailed Manga Gamer: " Hi Ricardo, Thank you so much for the insight into the Brazilian community. We are definitely considering additional security software and things so we can restore the service in the future. We are quite aware of how important complimentary keys are to the community; and want to implement a convenient solution for customers. Best Regards, MangaGamer Staff " So it seems they are not abandoning the idea completely. Good to know, my faith in MG is restored!
  3. Well, while i love Manga Gamer, the princess evangile fandisc might be the last VN i purchase from them. As a brazilian customer, i usually paid more than AAA price for most of their VNs. My only justification for paying that much money was that i was getting the game both uncensored and another copy on Steam. Without that, either Manga Gamer will drop their prices a bit or i wont be purchasing anything anymore, paying what is equivalent of almost 2 AAA releases for VN is rather absurd IMO. There are other ways to prevent fraudlent purchases, 1 week delays, purchase quantity, etc. Outright removing that might make them lose alot of sales.
  4. Most important and fundamental to me is that the VN has routes/dialogue choices in them. Kinectic Novels arent my thing. After that, its probably the MC's personality (when applicable), if the MC is a irreprehensible douchebag or has quirks which i really dislike, i will probably be turned off. This is rather very important to the point where i couldnt enjoy Fruit of Grisaia or even non-VN games such as The Witcher series Then its characters construction (heroines) and overall plot of the VN, as other said, it can go either way (good characters/bad plot,bad characters/good plot), preferbly with both being good Art comes afterwards, i can basically forgive any kind of artstyle, still VNs like Da Capo did get pushed back in my "to read" list because of... unusual artstyle (Those Eyes!).
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