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Timeless Wizard

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Posts posted by Timeless Wizard

  1. 3 hours ago, Tamaki Sakura said:

    For newer titles. Princess Evangile was released before MG started doing 18+ patches. There's a small chance that older Steam titles could receive patches on a case-by-case basis, but don't hold your breath.

    Censored MangaGamer Steam titles w/out patches:

    • Cho Dengeki Stryker
    • Princess Evangile
    • MYTH

    eden* and D.C. III R also lack patches, but these games were originally all-ages with 18+ content added later/separately.

    PM me if anyone has a spare SonoHana key.

    Mangagamer did say when they announced their first patch, for D.S. Dal Sengo, that they will try to create patches for older titles they have on steam as well, so it might happen in the future.

  2. I have read about half way through Aqua's route so far I think


    On the space-plane to Earth with Daigo after Aqua got kidnapped

    and I don't know if I really wanna continue. I'm not really enjoying it sadly. I got through Aries's route hoping I'll find Aqua's more interesting but I don't. i don't like most of the characters, and I really dislike Daigo. People say this route is the highlight of the VN and Asuka's route is a bit of a drop after Aqua's so I don't know if I should continue it. :mellow:

  3. Thankyu for the answers, I am happy to hear there is no limit for Gahkthun. And to comment on the topic as well, I don't like the download limit. I do not know how much it really helps vs piracy but all I can see it do is hurt the people that do purchase the visual novel properly. I find myself uninstalling a lot of games and visual novels that I finished reading, only to download and install them again at a later time. The limit just hurts that.

    While they apparently will offer more downloads if you contact their support, it really is just makes things less accessible to legit buyers, while the pirates do not have to deal with these limits at all.

  4. 10 hours ago, Down said:

    Mangagamer is progressively getting rid of their DRMs, and since their download limit is not a download limit but an activation code limit for the DRM, they're also progressively getting rid of that.

    Of course they need to convince each individual japanese company that DRMs aren't needed so they probably still have some games with activation codes - looking at my MG account it looks like Eden and Cartagra do, unless that's because I bought them before they got rid of DRMs.

    Thankyu for your answer. I am going to purchase Gahkthun and wanted to know if there will be a limit for it, but I am glad to hear they are getting rid of the DRMs as much as they can.

  5. 14 hours ago, Yakumo said:

    Mangagamer doesn't do this anymore, though?  I've gotten Kindred Spirits and Beat Blades Haruka from them recently and neither of them have a limit.  My old purchase of Koihime Musou still lists it on the account page, so it's not like they're just hiding it either.  Neither of the new games required an activation code or have any sort of counter whatsoever.

    Did Mangagamer really remove the download limit? It still says there is one on their support page - https://www.mangagamer.com/support.php#activation

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