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    Jeoxus reacted to mcguffin in [Giveaway] Love At First Sight - Steam Key   
    What would probably happen to me (original comic):

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    Jeoxus reacted to astro in [Giveaway] Love At First Sight - Steam Key   
    You can't go wrong with the 3-step formula. From my years of experience of playing moege, I know that all meaningful relationships must:
    1) Start with an embarrassing accident
    2) Have a donkan and decently attractive1 protag
    3) Include cherry blossoms somewhere in the background
    Strategically speaking, my first move would be to 'accidentally' smack her in the eye, thus sending her to the hospital. She would then get an eye patch while she recovered - this kills two birds with one stone: if on the off-chance you're really ugly, then she wouldn't be able to tell with the eye patch over her only eye1 (this will also give her a chuu2 look, which is +5 badass points). Anyway, since she is now visually-impaired while she recovers, she will obviously need assistance with everyday things such as walking and eating. Naturally, you volunteer to assist her because the incident was your fault in the first place. This allows you to maximize your time together with her (whether she likes it or not) and lets you hold her hand while you help her walk. I know this is an ingenious strategy, but please, hold your applause until the end.
    Now that we have the embarrassing accident and attractiveness out of the way, we need to work on our donkan. You need to be clueless - and I mean really oblivious. If she starts to make romantic advances towards you, the worst thing you could do is notice right away. A professional donkan protag would never realize the heroine's feelings that quickly, if at all. Think of her as a friend for as long as possible (preferably wait until your osananajimi stops waking you up in the morning, because that's when you know for sure that you're on the Sachi route. Rule #8 of moege: all other heroines magically disappear when you're actually on a route). This allows her to fall even deeper in love with you, which ensures a long, lasting relationship.
    Oh, and you have to make indirect remarks about her disappointing chest size whenever you get the opportunity. This will make her more self-conscious around you, and suggest to her that you are actually noticing her. Even if you're jeering at her flat chest, heroines long for nothing more than to be noticed by senpai.
    At this point, you are finally ready for the confession. However, if it is not currently springtime for you, then that is rather unfortunate. You must wait until the cherry blossoms bloom in spring before you confess. Not only will this maximize the chances of your confession succeeding, but it will make it all the more memorable. It is scientifically-proven that confessions that take place under cherry blossom trees results in longer relationships 82.7% of the time (based on a small sample size).
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    Jeoxus reacted to Rance in [Giveaway] Love At First Sight - Steam Key   
    These fools know nothing about the way of a woman's heart!  First get a leather jacket, slap that shit on! Grab your boom box and ride your bike with training wheels over to her house in the middle of the night while her and her parents are sleeping. Then play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmebxaJYk0Q while holding the boom box over your head after throwing a total of 3 rocks at her window on the second floor. Now that you have her attention read some poetry! Chicks love poetry!  "Roses are red, violets are blue, so too will be your vagina, after I'm done with you!"  Now things are starting to heat up, and she looks completely speechless so you know you're on a roll! She runs back inside because she is obviously shy and It looks like her parents woke up and are shouting into the phone. It might be your imagination but you can almost hear police sirens getting closer. There must be a lunatic out there, so best head home for now.  Next day at school is the big day, that's when you seal the deal by swag walking up to her with your hands in your pockets (most important part, NEVER take your hands out of your pockets or your cool level will instantly decrease and your reputation as a badass will be officially shot down!), she looks kinda nervous but that's where the next part comes into play. Then you confess your true love through the power of dance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg5BQByrHS8 A man who can put his reputation and heart on the line by breakdancing in front a girl proves he is willing to go to extraordinary lengths in the name of love!  Now finish with a sparkling smile and manly expression, toss her a small piece of paper with your gaia online account written on it, depicting your avatar as a half human, half vampire, part demon, part angel/werewolf, named xxSephiroth'sxxdarknessxx360noscopexxx,  as you slowly turn and walk into the sunset playing linkin park on your ipod with the volume turned up loud enough for everyone else to hear.
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    Jeoxus reacted to Tyrael in [Giveaway] Love At First Sight - Steam Key   
    Love at first sight, by Tyrael

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