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Everything posted by narrlocke

  1. I feel like "Yeah, kinda. A lot of them are like that. I guess it's a Japanese thing, or it's just easy to write about or something. But! There's a ton of cool ones that aren't like that" would be a good way to dodge that landmine.
  2. My god. I never have to move again. Later that day, a man was found dead in his bed with a laptop suspended above him, which was confiscated and discovered to have several terabytes of moe animu wimenz on the screen at the time of death. Investigators report that the man had several pounds of Cheeto© dust caked to his fingers and mouth area, several doubled spinal plates due to lack of movement for extended periods of time, and an unusually bruised groinal region.
  3. Thanks, I'll look it up, though I don't understand a lick of actual Japanese. Thank you for covering for my lack of attempting to browse, I'll not do it again.
  4. Doumo arigatou gozaimasu, do you have any recommendations similar to this one? (H-scenes not necessary, I honestly found them intrusive at some points) and is anyone still discussing it, or have people moved on by now?
  5. This is the first visual novel I've ever read, it was a nice story... I found myself having some heartthrob at the end of each route, it was really touching I hope the fan disk gets translated, I really don't want it to end
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