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Everything posted by imnoob92

  1. Well, what is supposed to happen is the EliPana set releasing after the event but now it's UmiMaki. GG KLab Next event will be HonoEli MF. Good luck~
  2. Better getting T2 than T3 right? Meanwhile I grinded about 56k points during the last 6 hours of the event... Anyway I made it to T1 but the anxiety is real Btw I haven't watched the latest episode (in fact, 2 episodes) of LLSS so I don't know what's going on...
  3. Had the same problem too. I reinstalled the game using the 'Rewrite v3' torrent and it's fixed. Not sure why.
  4. Still can't decide who should be no.1 for Aqours... I don't like Yoshiko but it's probably due to her less screening time in these 4 episodes. We will see next~
  5. Happy birthday Nico! You can listen to different girl saying Nico-Nico-Nii today Well the interface recently got upgraded and there were quite a lot of new stuff added. You can try it out
  6. Both, though most people prefer playing English version because it's more user-friendly. I have been playing both versions for more than a year You can even talk about simplified and traditional Chinese version if you want
  7. There is a higher difficulty (MASTER) if you play JP by the way... RIP scouting experience 2016
  8. Welcome back twinneh I am fine here though I have a mixed feeling with Aqours joining SIF. I like all the 18 girls (not really but anyway ) and have no idea which box I should scout in the future.
  9. KLab mentioned they will adjust the tiers for this event. (don't worry it will still be a bloodbath anyway
  10. So JP finally has Aqours joining in! Login screen
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/SchoolIdolFestival/comments/4q2bqy/information_kr_llsif_end_of_service/ RIP Korean version of SIF and their players coming to EN. Events are going to be tougher than before.
  12. Yeah this new update is truly a savior for people who really wants to idolise a UR (imo 500 seals aren't that difficult to get, you can easily 'farm' Rs everywhere) Regarding the idolised cards -> 1 seal, I am afraid it will be true, but it also doesn't make sense. Let's say in the future if you get 2 same SRs you have to choose between idolising her (to get 1 loveca from the story, but you only get 1 seal if you decide to feed/sell) or not idolising her (you get 2 seals, but no loveca from the story). I guess no people will want to waste seals on idolising event SRs just to unlock the story so this will be a tough decision.... (Exception: Unless you don't really care too much on seals getting cut down you can just go ahead and do what you want ) Another thing about this update is the "School Idol Skill" which we don't even know how it will work. I am thinking it will be "sort of" a game changer for whales, but I have no idea how There will be 2nd part coming soon. Hope we can understand more about this big update.
  13. For "Honour Box" - Rin and Eli after this event, followed by Hanayo and Nico after next event For "Limited Box" - 3rd years followed by LLW.
  14. Every EN event from now on may become bloodbath since you have 2 groups of 'fans' tiering for their best girl(s). Anyway I will still continue my T1 streak. Btw, next event, if I am not wrong and KLab doesn't troll us, will be Umi and Kotori together.
  15. So today it's Mari's birthday! On the other hand, LL! Sunshine!! PV is officially out. (that Start Dash cameo though
  16. Official statement says they will have voices in July (aka same as the LLSS anime airing date)
  17. I am just here to announce that the first Aqours event had started in JP, featuring Chika and Riko first. You can get a maximum of 6SRs (!) of 2 different girls in one event now. #bantyrael
  18. Annnnnd the event has started~ Good luck everyone
  19. Yes. Wish you will catch the burd and bring her home then
  20. Come to seal sticker shop that is Not going to exchange them anyway since you can scout them in the future.
  21. Looking forward to them. People complaining about CGSS ripoff this, CGSS ripoff that. It's not like they own the copyright right.
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