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Everything posted by Tatsujin

  1. Tatsujin


    Tonight, after work, I was supposed to relax and fap to the stuff I haven't read yet. But no ... stuff have to happen. Friend wants to go watch a movie. Okay, sure. Mom's birthday, ... Oh okay. Her friends and other people coming, including my best friend .......... Oh okay ... (I could probably get away by dragging my best friend out to the movies tonight? ...) On top of that, I had a long day and I had this co-worker who snapped at me because I didn't tell her about a certain item that she was supposed to receive, which I actually did. My first time, in a long, long time, defending myself after her mouth running out without stopping. I quickly contacted a third party affiliated with our company and they said they're going to report it in and I'll be contacted about it later. I'm getting yelled at because I'm doing my job. Ha. I mean ... all I want to have is a good fapping day people. Darn it ... I have to like, save my stuff on Honeyview .. it automatically saves when I close anyways. Oh they'll be here soon. Guess I'll watch Amagi Brilliant Park new episode and play D3 or something .. can't fap till past midnight :/ ...
  2. Fate/Zero Fate/Stay Night UBW (movie) Fate/Stay Night UBW (TV, still airing) Kara no Kyoukai (7 movies, OVA, remix episode, and a new movie - dark fantasy, plot depth, non-chronological, disturbing scenes) Eve no Jikan (movie, totally robotic and dramatic) Patema Inverted (gravity pulling two sides ... is cool) 5 Centimeters Per Second (realism plot at its best) Hal (movie, futuristic) Mardock Scramble (3 long movies in sequence - dark fantasy, gore, disturbing scenes, action) -- Attack on Titan (TV and manga) Macross Frontier movies (2 movies, the TV series is alright but not as good) No Game No Life (get Coalgirl's BD releases for uncensored scenes) Bungaku Shoujo (movies, ova, use AniDB to see what's what) Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru (just watch the first ten minutes) White Album II (Coalgirl's releases is pretty good) Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon (2 seasons, enjoy the nice animation and lovely girls in the best anatomy drawing) - Kimi no Iru Machi (270 chapters, plus extras - <3 Eba) Good Ending Nozoki Ana (Borderline H, Angst) Koe no Katachi - I'm just going to leave this here so just read my post and feel the tremendous gravity of the manga. ah ... good night.
  3. Yeahhh the anime is following along. Damn A-1 Pictures you didn't let me down with those amazing animations. -prepares tissues-
  4. Tatsujin


    Ahhhh man!!! You guys ought to check out Hito no Fundoshi's (artiest) Kaki Hoshuu (4 chapters). Superb art ... and I like this a lot. Please recommend me something like this! Netorare with school girls.
  5. At chapter 5 you should get sucked in really, really good.
  6. But it's funny, isn't it? Hmm, someone did recommend something a while ago on this page. I'm gonna go search for it. Seishun Pop! had an okay ending. Felt rushed, too fast. Conclude the ending for side characters which is cool. My blog post. Few spoiler images inside. Ahhh I want to read an incest story with no comedy. Kiss x Sis turns me off everytime I try to pick it up. I'm still stuck on chapter 1-2.
  7. It's really good and different. Thank god it's based on a true story. -- Seishun Pop! is freaking good. Awesome art, nice scenes, plot is developing really good. Almost done with it. I have to say that there were a lot of questions that are still unanswered, and I doubt they would get answered anyways. I like the main character's sister ... ah her personality is so on par with Eba. And I dislike Yandere characters. They're total-fuck-psycho-abnormal characters until someone slaps the shit out of them.
  8. Seishun Pop! ... man there are parts where it's hitting good and it's building up some real nice plot. The first chapter was a disaster to pull through, but I'm glad I'm this far. Lets see who can feel the gravity of this scene.
  9. Ho-shit that was so rushed. Even the Yumiko and the coffin scene, which was most indefinitely a big surprise in the VN, was scratched out. The very ending (when she meets that woman) was scrapped apart with a new alternate ending. Yeah this is not worth one fucking penny out of my pocket. The VN is thousands of times better.
  10. Tatsujin


    Volume 13* I meant. Fucking YES! Finally found something I'm going to be interested in. Link. The tags are freaking hot.
  11. Tatsujin


    Downloaded the whole manga, at least up to chapter 9. It's translated up to chapter 13. And on my way there .. I saw so many good boarderline H mangas that were incomplete ... and I really wanted to rage man ...............
  12. except that I dropped this at episode 4 ... or at least I put it on hold. Really funny stuff, but now isn't the time for that.
  13. Tatsujin


    11.4.2014 Normal -- Exotic pictures inside. 18+ -- Not a strong day for 18+ images ... for the past two days to be more accurate.
  14. Tatsujin


    TV is what you need to watch first. The OVA follows suite. Watch the TV for plot and some lewdness! The OVA has more lewdness. I haven't read the manga yet. -- Molester Man 11.1.2014 Normal 18+ 11.2.2014 18+ Normal 11.3.2014 Normal 18+ Enjoy.
  15. Tatsujin


    I'm waiting for the damn thing to finish. I don't think the manga finished but I know the OVA is taking forever to finish! I saw the TV series and oh my god I can't believe they freaking aired that on TV ... Ah it's time to update three days worth of stuffs.
  16. OH MY GOD MOLESTER MAN HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD DO YOU EVER REJECT A CUTE, CUTE, CUTE LOLI WITH AMAZING BOINGS! HOW !!! HOWWW!!!!! ................................. Tatsu disappointed. Edit - I shall leave this here. Just read about 4 pages before you start hitting big spoilers.
  17. Ah damn I have to stop saying those things. Also, might pick up Prunus Girl.
  18. I just hit chapter 17, the end of that chapter and went straight to 18 afterwards from Onani Master Kurosawa ... fucking shit that was a hell of a deep stab to the heart. Oh what in teh fuck is happening I don't even know anymore, this is filled with angst and mind-fuck scenes ... ah man my head is going nuts and I can't stop reading this ....
  19. Kimi no Iru Machi, just reading the first chapter. Already read it .. ah the feels of it. 270 chapters worth of awesomeness. Began reading Onanie Master Kurosawa. Haaahahaha on chapter 5. This shit is so fucking good. This is like the alter-arc of Death Note ... but the better words used for this is Fap Note! Haahahahahha!!
  20. Tatsujin


    10.30.2014 18+ (Amazing, gorgeous H-pictures ...) Normal 10.31.2014 Normal 18+
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