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Everything posted by Yoki

  1. FINALLY ~ Say, how many of you are F2P? And how many 10+1 draws did you do? I did two with my own power 8D
  2. What the... I'm feeling so bad right now. Btw, started rewatching the anime with a friend and jeez is the beginning boring.
  3. I bought my first 86 Love gems. I'll wait with the other 86 because I might want to waste them if I have such a huge number of them
  4. I'm pretty good actually xD Hopefully I can keep this up
  5. I'll use them in the Nico event. It doesn't really matter anyway because today I'm getting prepared for the Rin UR event and gonna buy 2x 86 love gems for 100€ (got some money from my grandma yesterday Omg how that sounds.) Damn you iOS. And goodbye F2P
  6. Let's just pretend you didn't write that (Even though it's true but I'll ignore that ) Edit: Jumpscare xD But really nice, can use the extra love gems lel
  7. Because she loves it and puts her heart and soul into it! Besides; it's not her fault that they chose a seiyuu who's voice isn't nice ;-;
  8. ~ Just lost a round Diamond yuutsu Blabla with a 90 combo Didn't know the song. I want to avoid it but now it just KEEPS COMING Q_Q
  9. We're thinking really similar today Altough Honoka's voice isn't that bad. I just don't like her because she gets too much Center songs and because she's the leader No, really. It's pretty sad that Nozomi's singing voice is so bad. I like her a lot.
  10. Let me hope. Let me hopeeee... I don't believe it myself, with my luck it'll be 4 one-SR draws. Although my last scouting ticket gave me a SR Maki and a yolo draw the SR event Nico. But that was enough luck for the next three years
  11. Rin ftw. But I don't like Hanayo and Honoka... My top three: 1. Rin 2. Maki 3. Kotori
  12. Omg pls don't scare me. I'm about to buy 150 love gems for the UR Rin event and if I don't get an UR...
  13. Me too! Would love to add you Tyrael (and you others) do you have another free friend spot? I just kicked a few friends who haven't locked in for a while and I'm on search for new ones
  14. Nosebleed, you can have whatever love I have for Nico. It's not much but...
  15. That sounds so awesome! Never would've guessed that it is Hanayo. Really, really sad that they changed it...
  16. Strange xD I like her voice here and in some other older songs way more... It doesn't sound so forced (I mean, did you see some live performances? Her seiyuu looks like she's about to puke xD). I wonder why they changed it ><
  17. http://youtu.be/Eu1PiFuqBmE Could someone tell me why Hanayo doesn't... sound like Hanayo? O_o
  18. I don't want anymoreee q_q Edit: SCREW IT ALL I'M DYING
  19. ... the power of money. Damn you XD - I was so good D:
  20. I actually really like the anime. But it lacks natsuiro egao de 1 2 jump and Wonderful Rush.
  21. *facedesk* Well, at least I've got my level up. Edit: Nosebleed, those are just AWESOME.
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