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Everything posted by Yoki

  1. I still can't FC Wonderzone / Start Dash TwT It's so sad. Both one good.
  2. ... And I used all of my perfect locks this time...
  3. I won't be going for T2. I need all my love gems to yolo Scout and get an UR.
  4. I googled idolized SR Rin and this came lol xD @Eclipsed I deleted someone for you, be grateful Edit: Question. Thanks to a friend I noticed that there is an extra Ranking now that's called Song ranking rewards, what exactly is that?
  5. Could someone show me the two idolized versions of my Rins? I'd love to add Eclipsed-san but I don't have a free friend slot
  6. No UR but at least some of my prayers have been heard
  7. I bought another 50 gems for 30€ KILL ME But my grandma was... QwQ
  8. Alright, they don't make it in my team and Different colored SRs neither. My smile Team is full of smile sr, my cool team has a R Maki and Eli and my pure team has one R Hanayo and two R Nozomi. All my Rs are Max-bonded. So I'll use the rest for practice~ thx
  9. Btw, is there any good in keeping full-leveled, idolized, unused Rs? I have so many of them but I never use them. I would use them to train all of my SRs because they give like 7k exp.
  10. I'm not trying hard in this event. It's enough when I get the Kotori. Edit: I thought I could be lucky because Marie was but...
  11. I don't. Because I don't really have a reason xD I haven't FCd the Event song yet and I don't have an excuse so meh Edit: Oh. Just saw that I DID FC it. Can't remember xD
  12. Don't make him feel okay because it's NOT okay And yes I'm feeling really bad thanks to you guys *cries*
  13. Don't ever call me lucky again, EVER But maybe I'll be lucky enough to scout a second event Kotori like with the Rin and the Nico...
  14. Wow, rank 3500 T2? Why wasn't it like that in the last event. Still won't go for T2, have only 2 gems.
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