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Posts posted by Rylei

  1. 2 hours ago, Rose said:

    From r/visualnovels' discord: (ReadingSteiner is one of the translators btw)

    Isn't this, erm, bad? Barely anyone buys dlcs and, from what I heard, we've already seen the same plan to fail spectacularly for ChuSinGura, even though their case is, admittedly, pretty different. Plus it will clearly deduct from the "prestige", new people won't perceive it as a big release when they see a weird free-to-play with dlcs.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Zakamutt said:

    part of it was because Atlus had a reputation for good translations - people kinda expect NISA to be shit a lot of the time

    Yeah, right, that's what you and maybe someone like BDH think, while in reality I now constantly see the passages like "everything about danganronpa is so good! While on the other hand dat horrible persona translation, it's barely playable, I didn't really notice anything wrong with it myself outside of the few weird lines but people bash it so much on the internet, it's so bad!" And now it's even compared to something like Libra. It's pretty amazing.
    With the way they handled it, the only things they attained are the questionable glory for themselves and some bad PR for Atlus. When there are so many bad localizations of even quite high-profile games, now we have a mindset that persona's translation is somehow the worst of its generation among the jewels. Oh my, Libra's localization is so bad, it's Persona all over again. I'll better go and play the amazing Atelier, now that never hinders my enjoyment with its blatant mistakes.

    Sigh, oh well, there's no point in continuing this weird off-topic, please carry on with bashing Libra.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

    has done so for the excellent reason that, if an official localization is weak (especially a high-profile one like P5), you should call out how and why it is, out of a very legitimate fear that we're going to regress back to what JP video game translations were like in years gone past, if the fan base isn't vigilant and vocal about problems

    In an exremely excessive and often wrong manner. They simply chose the most popular target even if it's not really suitable past the first few hours. The vast majority of KT, NISA, Aksys or Bandai Namco translations are much worse but they turned Persona into the martyr of "bad" translations. That's exactly what absurdity looks like and now we see the amusing results.

  4. 3 hours ago, Nandemonai said:

    Now, I haven't played this yet (waiting for 18+) but it sure sounds like Persona 5 all over again: over and over, that game took what should have been cool character building moments, and translated them like it was a poorly-translated technical manual.  As a result, characters' personalities come across very poorly.  The impact of every scene where lines are screwed up is lessened.

    Man, just how much were the people's minds polluted by several self-righteous men who decided to earn their chunk of fame and turn persona into the promotion of their ideas of an "ideal" translation if those people are now ready to equate the very competent overall, even though uneven and at times unedited persona translation, with the plain bad excerpts Decay provided. Truly regrettable.

  5. Just now, Kiriririri said:

    But what if I think that Chrono Clock is the best game there is


    Then we shall rejoice that at the very least it's not Grisaia. 

    Though seriously, with Island, Subahibi, Dies Irae, Dangan 3, Sona-Nyl etc. it would have likely been an easy pick for most if properly done at the end of the year. But if we do it like this then it's probably 2014 since it was exactly the year when I read steins/fate/dangan and I didn't touch most of the later stuff yet anyway obviously nothing beats Sakura Spirit.

  6. 2 hours ago, NowItsAngeTime said:

    I prefer if you didn't vote for 2017 for stuff that haven't been released yet (who knows if stuff will be delayed to next year or won't actually be that good).

    Then, to be honest, you shouldn't have included it in the rankings at all. 

    2017 is supposed to have many notable releases, none of which have released yet outside of Grisaia, having it in the list like this is completely pointless

  7. lol, Liberation was originally a 2013 release. 

    Vita-version had a new opening cinematic with a brand new song from marina. There're actually many re-releases with new tracks among the list like cross chan, oretachi or, the most obvious, fate.

    Hello Lady OP2 almost got in, we'll now surely find and punish responsible for such blunder.

  8. Hi there, as we in TopLab have made our own crafty list of best openings from 2014's visual novels, I'd actually like to take this chance to talk about your picks! What are your favorite vn-songs of the past year that would stay with you even when you'd grow tired of the game itself? And, well, if you don't really know yet, this is exactly the time to find out.

    Or you can always simply tell just how bad of a taste we all have, that counts too.

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