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  1. hahahaha, well as for Clephas I believe i shouldn't go and touch the things he's done, i would prefer that the project is started found the beginning.
  2. yeah, i can say the guys at Nekohen are going to start up a shit storm though, they're aparently trying to do the same thing i'm doing, however you must sign up to download the patches, not only that but i can never seem to sign up on their site.
  3. The fact i haven't seen any updates from him i believe he's dead because they would have released something by now. I also prefer not to take other peoples work. besides I don't really care if a patch is currently being created, it more determines on who releases the full patch first.
  4. Wanted: Translator(s)/Translation Checker (Someone who's knowledgeable in the japanese language, someone with a "N1" or "N2".(maybe a N3)) Editor: The translators will have a choice in whether they want to work from the ingame texts, or from text/excel files. Staff: Leader: Lotus Hacker:Lotus Translator(s): ??? Translation Checker: ??? Editor: EldritchCherub Oh, what a life it is to be alone. I have someone... finally...
  5. Handle: Lotus Positions you can fill: Hacker, Image Editor Types of projects (VNs) preferred: RPG/Dungeon Crawlers/Barter Games Availability: 70%, due to private reasons VNs most interested in producing an ftl for: Any of the Eushully Games. Motivation for joining in on ftl: Not enough Eushully games translated Conditions: Will only do Eushully games.
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