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PSA: Puush update contained malware


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It's the internet guys, you really expect any privacy? I use 2 step authentication for anything that is valuable, like my email, and a throwaway master password for everything else, including Fuwa (makes things easier to remember).  My line of thought is that if you don't want people to know things, don't store them in the first place, and anything that is actually important probably has a secondary method nowadays to protect you.  Hell, Twitch just emailed me saying I had unauthorized access to my account, and I laughed, as I haven't used the thing since I created it.


I actually did run a thorough virus check last night while I slept as a regular maintenance measure to prevent slowdowns, followed by a defrag, and the only shady thing my avast! quarantined to the virus chest was the patched Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki launcher.

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I do not even use Puush but well, fuck, I probably have like 6515 different malware on my computer and browser by now and my passwords are probably familiar to the community of hackers like the pussy of the most experienced whore in the only brothel of a mostly male-dominated small coastal city 

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