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so, any news on corpse party?


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Im still waiting for a translated/licensed version of dead patient and blood drive, but xseed is shitty at giving any information about anything related to corpse party (which I think is sad, considering all the hype that it got when youtubers picked it up.


I dont know if im just really bad at researching or there really isnt anything going on at all?


If someone has just the tiniest bit of information about this I would be really really happy, it pains me everyday that corpse party 2 is out and I still dont know what happens after the cliffhanger in book of shadows ):

(and yes I know that there is a youtuber who played it where he translates it all, but I really want to play it for myself first.)

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XSEED supposedly already registered a domain URL for Blood Drive, which is usually what they do with their licenses. 

But, again, this is speculation and there hasn't been any official annoucement yet.


This is all I got, it's up to you wether or not to hype: http://gematsu.com/2015/01/xseed-games-registers-domains-corpse-party-blood-drive-xanadu-next-trails-cold-steel

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