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Starry Sky Autumn portable Translation?

Mikata jin

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"Hello my friends

I wasn't going to start this thread but I must because I feel like with the right person this could become something.

As you know the pc versions of starry sky have almost excluding autumn and winter been translated.

However the psp has 8 portable starry sky VNs which have not been translated at all.

However I once got in touch with the leader of the starry sky autumn pc translation with the intention of persuading him to translate the psp version of the autumn game.

I expected a loud NO

But fortunately it seems he is interested in doing a psp port read this from his website

"Would you do the PSP port for Starry Sky in Autumn?

Why I’ve always considered doing so, in fact I have already ported 1/4 Starry Sky in Autumn to PSP using RenPSP because finding hackers for the original PSP is really hard to do so, but it’s tempting because of the PSP exclusive CGs. If someone can find a hacker for me then I’ll consider it. I’ve already tried asking for help but they always tell you to “help yourself first”….unfortunately reverse engineering is not my forte."


"We do not translate PSP games, as much as we’d love to but it’s impossible."

The second comment is negative yes.

Proof of the quotes are from the official site below


(From the latest post)

Now I just created this to say that if there is someone who can Rom hsck this game . Then you can easily make this a translation because the pc version translator is definitely interested in translating this but he needs a rom hacker"

This could become something but only with the right person or people.

So I have created this thread to see/hope someone decides to rom hack this (female dog) up.

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I just received an update for this

I asked him this in the comments of his latest update


Please tell me more about the psp version of starry♢sky.

What do you mean that you have ported 1/4 of SS autumn psp version?

I am intrested in the psp versions of the game.

What have you manged to do so far?"

AND he replied to me with this

"How I ported it:

I manually inserted the scripts, CG assets to work with RENPY platform.I didn’t extract anything from the PSP, I used the PC assets because a renpy game can be ported to PSP using renpsp.It’s tedious and not worth it. I’d rather have someone extract from the original PSP game, hand the scripts to me and re-insert them."

So he clearly is willing to go far with this.

I hope someone can get those scripts

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