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Nozo x Kimi


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Description: Text: Kimio and Nozomi: Two people who attend the same high school.
Nozomi: Once I send an email, you open the curtain.
Text: The two have a secret they can't tell anyone...
Nozomi: Showing ourselves to each other as we are — that's a rule for the "showing ourselves to each other game."
Text: That secret is the "showing ourselves to each other game."
Nozomi: Yours really are big!
Text: A girl who can't hold confidence in herself.
Yuki: Why did they get this big...?
Yuko: Let me join the "showing ourselves to each other game."
Text: The group of three's "showing ourselves to each other game" begins!
Nozomi: Kimio, you're so funny!
Text: A serious anime adaptation from the Shonen Sunday editorial department.
Nozomi: Which do you prefer, my boobs or Makino's?
Text: Won't you take a peek?
Nozomi: See, my heart's beating... fast...

Ann -- https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-06-18/nozoki-ana-spinoff-nozo-x-kimi-anime-previewed-in-video/.75674

Releases on OVA this August. Video inside the link. Spin-off from Nozoki Ana. The setting is same world, and in the same building the two main characters took place from Nozoki Ana.

If you haven't read Nozoki Ana then I recommend reading it. Its good ... It's severely fucked up yet it is good.


2nd OVA announced - http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-08-02/nozoki-ana-spinoff-nozo-x-kimi-gets-2nd-video-anime/.77233

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