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Which -dere are you?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a kuudere. I found expressing my feelings openly (romantic or not) backfires spectacularly on me and the target every time. Confessing to a girl I like, next thing you know, she just laughs. I tried again being honest with people I actually like, got the same result (Seriously don't know why) So,a cold approach, is what I do, and it works for me just fine. 


On an unrelated note, what do you think happens when two kuuderes get together as a couple? 

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That's why I wasn't linking for the quiz - not only are there only 7 questions but they're also obvious. I was just linking to a list of deres, and there happens to be a quiz there. :P

Edit: Oh, and I scored a 9 on that test, so apparently I probably have OCD.

I took that quiz and it said a score of 17...

Apparently im OCD, even though a psychiatrist I consulted said i'm not...

WHAT IS THIS?! Is my life a lie?! 

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I'm not that good at being expressive about my feelings and I took a quiz that say i'm a kuudere which I don't find surprising, I think in my opinion I should be somewhere between kuudere and dandere because i'm not much for words and can be shy sometimes but not so much that I can't be calm and cool headed too. 

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