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Space Engineers


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pretty good game by some random Czech indie team, currently in alpha and creative mode only, but I already spent so much time there xD


You make stuff like spaceships, centrifuges, space stations, centrifuges, space lifts, centrifuges, random inventions, centrifuges... maybe the centrifuge part is just me, It's just so much fun making those spinning bastards :)



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What kind of frame rate were you getting in that video? Seems like something a lot of games would start stuttering on. 


Actually it is very well optimized for an alpha build, 60 fps constantly with drops during the crashes, you can notice that on some of the impacts with the hundreds of gyroscopes (all are individual electricity powered unit) it lags for a second but in the normal collisions metal on metal, it goes smoothly and just deforms or cuts parts of the metal blocks.


You just need a simple fix to enable more than 1GB ram or something (otherwise it tells you there is not enough memory to add more blocks) when building ultra large things like this.


But for smaller things, it works on my crap PC very well, on your ultra comp it will work even better xD


also this:


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this game looks... Very promising! I just wish I had the money to buy it at the moment...



well again since there is no multiplayer yet, you can just download the torrent version and it will work just as well, only thing you will miss is access to steam workshop to test other people's creations. And then you can decide if you want to buy it or not from this torrent demo :)

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