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The Broadcast Club: VN Podcast Episode 8 - Visual Novel Tropes and Cliches


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Hey everyone. We're back (mostly) on schedule, and just in time for the weekend, we've got the next episode ready to go! As always, you can find the link to the episode on our blog. 


This time around we talked about some of those things that we just seem to see in every single VN and how we feel about them. Joining us this time was community member, @fun2novel (called rvenster on the podcast), who has been reading VNs for quite a long time and had a lot of great things to contribute to our chat! The time really flew by in recording for this episode.
There were a lot of things we could have talked about that we just didn't get to, so keep in mind this is far from comprehensive.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter!



Discussion Topics:

  • Want to interject some of your own thoughts about common tropes or cliches?
  • How do you feel about the most common tropes and cliches in VNs?
  • Are there any you particularly like or dislike that we didn't talk in the cast?
  • Do you hate that some VNs feel very "samey" or is that part of the charm to you?

Feel free to let us know in the comments! As always, hope you enjoy!

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