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Koihime Musou Unofficial Soundtrack Upgrade Released


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I have a fun little romp you might know as Koihime Musou. I also have 2 nice compact discs that hold the music to this game in the highest possible quality, unless there is 24/96 or 24/192 source hiding out there somewhere. When the powers of hmmm and a few too many hours on my hands come together I find out that the game has no qualms playing CD quality WAVs instead of the lossy oggs it came with. Because the soundtrack is bitchin' I have restored the music to its original CD quality 16/44.1 glory for this 50 hour journey through China!

As I am not the type to talk about something awesome I have done for myself and then say neener neener neener to everyone else, I have decided to share the fruits of labor with my fuwadachis. If anyone from BaseSon, or even MangaGamer, browses this and wishes to use it to upgrade their releases they are welcome to do so, although some expression of gratitude would be welcomed, since I, you know, did all of the work for you. For free. :D That you really should have been proactive enough to do on your own without being told. :yumiko:

With native WAV support coded into the game installation couldn't be easier. Delete all of the .ogg files in your Koihime Musou directory, unrar these archives in their place and enjoy.  It has been tested to work 100% with MangaGamer's release. If you're the type of person to complain about CD quality audio taking up more HDD space than lossy junk, kindly move along, this is not for you. For everyone else, Koihime Musou just got even better.

Part 1:



Part 2:



Part 3:



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