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Rose's Bloodborne Streaming Thread


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Current Stream Status: Online/Offline

Stream Channel Link: http://www.twitch.tv/rustyrose_

Next Stream: 07/22 05:30PM UTC


Alright, I guess I'm pretty much addicted to this game at this point and as I discovered that streaming from my PS4 is actually the easiest thing ever, I'm going to do so throughout my whole run and hope not to shame myself too much. If you're interested in watching me suffer for a few hours then I suggest following my twitch channel to get e-mail notifications whenever I go live, or you can follow this thread to receive notifications whenever I post here with the time I plan to start the stream and the reports. Some details about the stream:


  • I'll have the chat open on my PC so I'll be able to read whatever you write there, just might take a while in case I'm having a hard time in-game or am focused on something.
  • I appreciate tips about the game but I'd rather not be spoiled about future enemies and their attack patterns if possible.
  • I don't have PlaystationPlus so I can't play online, sorry about that.
  • I'll make stream reports after I'm done playing, just in case someone is interested in reading them.
  • The VODs (past broadcasts' recordings) will be up whenever Twitch feels like it, usually a few mins after I stop broadcasting.
  • I have never played any of the Souls games before so yeah, I'll be suffering quite a lot and those of you who can finish any of them with your starting gear and no levels will probably get frustrated watching me getting rekt in stupid ways, it should be fun.
  • I usually speak my mind about enemies, patterns, items and all that, I believe it's a nice way to keep the interaction between us going since you can comment about something I said or keep the topic going with questions or by teaching me something new... And I also enjoy analyzing the game, win-win.
  • I really enjoy streaming so as long as I have 1-2 viewers, I'll keep talking and interacting as much as possible.


Stream reports and VODs:

1st broadcast


  • Died around 10 times total. Something like seven times to the boss and the other ones to random mobs because I was tilting.
  • Had to decline three guys who wanted/offered to play with me because I don't have the Playstation Plus thing.
  • Got Ren salty because he gets no viewers when he streams games. (Get rekt you scrub :salt: )
  • Realized that I seriously need to git gud.
  • Brother restarted our internet in the middle of the stream, production value at its finest.

VODs: (2 links because of the internet restart)

  • Link ( Length - 02:04:46 )
  • Link ( Length - 00:10:50 ) 


2nd broadcast


  • Made a new character before streaming to try a different weapon, pretty satisfying. I also killed the boss who completely destroyed me on the first stream and he was really easy, i got gud.
  • Fought the second boss - which is technically the first because the other one is an optional boss  :salt:  - and got destroyed a couple of times. Honestly, what a battle. Super fast paced, the special trick against him was really fun to use, and Tay was cheering me up all the time, had a lot of fun here.
  • Stabbed a pig right in the asshole... literally... nightmare's fuel right here.
  • Story time, possible spoilers about the plot, skip this one if you don't wanna know. The girl who gave me a small music box on the first stream was asking me to find her missing mother, who went missing looking for her father. Reading the box's description I found two names inscribed into it: Viola and Gascoigne. Guess what? The boss I just mentioned is called Father Gascoigne and he's a hunter, and apparently all hunters have some kind of similar smell since both he and the girl said something about it. Once I got some space to walk the area, I found the mother's dead corpse and took a red jewel she wore as a necklace back to the girl, who simply cried nonstop. I thought that she would be fine so I just kept going.
  • Went to the hunter's dream - basically the place where I upgrade myself, my gear, buy stuff, etc - and did my things, went back to the city and accidentally reached the girl's house again. She wouldn't answer me anymore. I got lost and ended up killing the pig once more, this time it dropped a red ribbon taken from an unfortunate victim. I have no proof but I'm pretty sure the girl just decided to leave her house for whatever reason and got killed by the pig. Oh my.
  • This is where it gets fun. I kept playing for around one or two more hours, only to notice that the stream went offline for some reason and I didn't saw the notification. It most likely appeared when I left to close the window for a second.  :vinty:


  • Link ( Lenght - 01:35:39 )

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To summerize first stream



The worst part is that it's true. ಠ_ಠ


I managed to kill the boss though, it was actually extremely easy. This is me after killing him and seeing how retarded I was on the stream tries: ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ

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Wow, way to copy my format and use the same red font. Salt is real.


Well, you know, red is such a creative color to use in the word offline. I mean, can you imagine people using green for online? What a world it would be.  Teeku


On a serious note, I think the format is pretty standard. 

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Well, you know, red is such a creative color to use in the word offline. I mean, can you imagine people using green for online? What a world it would be.  Teeku


On a serious note, I think the format is pretty standard. 


Even the bold lettering is the exactly the same. My goodness Rose. And now you know why they call me "original."

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