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About Draemorin

  • Birthday 03/11/1995

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  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Visual Novels (obviously), Game Design, Music, Music Production, aaaaaaaand cigarettes.


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Fuwa Novice (2/11)



  1. It's definitely very rushed. I will not lie when I say that it's been a very disappointing ride lately. The OST makes up for it though, somewhat.
  2. I, for one, am enjoying the show by just going with the flow. Regardless of our opinions on who the heroine should be and whose route is better, the director has his own idea going on. I will watch the entirety of it and then give my thoughts on it once it's over and I've seen everything he has to offer to Grisaia. But so far it doesn't look bad at all, in my own opinion.
  3. Hey there, Tomo! Welcome to the forums
  4. Just did, in case I spoiled it for you I am very sorry. Sorry about that! I have yet to understand how every function works here
  5. So, the first episode from the new season of Psycho-Pass was released 2 days ago. I just now watched it, and I am pretty satisfied with how it came out. What do you guys think about it?
  6. Thank you! I didn't know about this MAL has listed it as 13 episodes.
  7. Do you like traps? If you do, you are one step closer to paradise on earth. Read Sharin no kuni~~~ its my fav vn, and i hope you will like it too. Haha thank you and as for the traps. I will have to pass on that one I actually think I downloaded that one though, so I'll check it out!
  8. I haven't really seen any topics on this and I was unaware if a lot of you guys who have played the visual novel know about it. You probably do though! And if you don't: http://kissanime.com/Anime/Grisaia-no-Kajitsu/Episode-001?id=80971 What do you guys think about this so far?
  9. Haven't read Meikyuu yet (waiting on the translation) but I believe that I read somewhere that those scenes weren't canon? Not sure though.
  10. Slow wifi won't let me stream anime.. #thestruggle

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