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Posts posted by Vargas

  1. You can get it here. And requests should go in Downloads and Requests.


    Edit: Realized you were asking for progress and not the patch so sorry about that. The last update was in May 31, 2013 so I think it might just be going really slow or it's dead.


    Ty, just wanted to know if the translation was still going on and I have the game anyways

  2. Looked through the forum/google and didn't see any translations that have gotten this vn and the other 2 started translated. The VNDB said theres only a prologue patch so if anyone could let me know what the info is that would be great. Since the translation project for the 3 vns were in 2009 but never got any farther. Also since I wasn't sure where to put this thread u can move it to where it needs to be & ty for any info you provide :D




  3. Anyone know of any vns in english that have h-scenes with decent story with atleast 20-35hrs of gameplay? U can check out my vndb on my profile to see which ones I have played already.

  4. In terms of feeling, I'll have to go with G-Senjou no Maou.

    It was the first that I finished, and unless you don't have a heart, you'll be crying like the little kid you are after finishing it.


    Yea that vn was another one that made me cry, Grisaia no Kajitsu did alot to me other then feelings. Can't wait for the next translated vn of it to finish :D

  5. Well, even though Katawa Shoujo was my first, I can't say it's the VN that touched me the most deeply.  Yes, at the time it made me cry and feel warm and fuzzy inside when I got to the good ends, but the ones that really made me feel were Grisaia no Kajitsu and G-senjou no Maou.  G-senjou in particular stomped on my heart with its ending, and basically made me sob for a good 10 minutes after I finished it.


    That's not too surprising; a lot of the people that liked F/sn hated Shirou.  He's kinda annoying, at least if you can't get past his ideals, which I couldn't.

  6. Edit: Forgot to mention something.


    As suspected, Azengar's real life has been getting in the way, but he has made good progress. He is nearly done, but progress is currently quite slow, so we don't want to give a date yet. Some problem might pop up, and it'd be quite a hassle to deal with all the people complaining about missing our release date.

  7. Started to re-play the Shin Megami Tensei Persona games missed them so much since I got them. My last bday got the Ps vita and Person 4 Golden so glad that I did and alot of replay value on it. Just was hoping for some vns like the games Atlas did and guess there arent any like them anywhere unless there Japanese only. I do adore the female characters and bonds u share with them on Person 3-4. I do read some horror visual novels but not really what im asking for here, just something like these games brought to the table. Love Atlas for there great games and just asking if anyone knows of vns that have storyies somewhat similar to the persona series?



    Haha chibi p4

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