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Posts posted by Kyoroto

  1. I (used to) play a lot of Fifa Football Games.

    Yes, you can hate on me all you want but I am actually a big football/soccer fan.

    I always enjoyed playing Fifa but also playing football in real life and also watching football clubs play.


    But then out of nowhere animu and mango happend...

    I had turned in to a useless, fatass weaboo

    That's the story of my life

    Anyways, since I have discovered Visual Novels I've been fapping a lot lately I have been playing considerably less video games including Fifa.

    But on days when I feel like playing Videos Games I usually play Fifa games.

  2. Yeah, except people are posting positive stuff like hey have a happy new year and best wishes in the coming year and not boom my brother is dead. That kind of information isn't really suited for the internet.

    Although to be honest, he is free to do whatever he wants on the internet.

  3. the reading writing is where most people struggle though

    I think for beginners reading and speaking are top priority, while writing imo is less important, since writing is less common in use.

    That's why I basically just learn how to read and speak for now, since learning how to write will just make my life a lot harder.

  4. I will say as I was told in high school  "Forget everything you know about the English language and forget everything you think you may know about the language you're trying to learn or you're only gonna run into problems."  That was when I was learning Japanese. The language it's self is fairly easy to speak o.o its the writing and reading part that are hard with Kanji,Hiragana,and Katakana that all have different characters and knowing when and where to use them.


  5. It's good to see that there are so many others in a similar position to me, thanks for letting me know you're progress. Seeing as i enjoy the Japanese language so much i will probably begin to study the language at a somewhat amateur level for awhile and then try to turn it into my main allocated study in college like i discussed with Zalor. Thanks for the help! 

    Good Luck in the future and remember that you shouldn't give up so easily when learning a new language!

  6. I am currently in high school and am very interested in learning Japanese. I feel like if i don't start now i will regret it later, i fear i will be in my twenties and will think back and hate myself for not picking it up sooner. Is it a good idea to start now while i still have quite a bit of free time on my hands or should i be focusing on my studies (which aren't doing all that great right now) and start learning Japanese a little later on. Will i even be interested in learning the language later :/. Any input would be much appreciated :)

  7. Anime is shit (S1 bad art, direction and untrue to the actual light novel in some parts. S2 great in a lot of areas but is not as descriptive as the light novel. Music is superb, though)

    Manga is really great.

    Novel is thousands of times better than both.


    Go read the light novel. It's the original story. The manga skipped many parts from the light novel but it was done and directed under the author of Spice & Wolf. He wanted to try a new arc. The art in the manga is insane good. This much I can say.


    Finished volume 9. I have all 13 volumes. I'll be resuming volume 10 shortly. It's also my first novel to read out of my own way. It's worth it. I hate reading with passion, but Spice & Wolf is freaking amazing. Period.

    Original source materials are mostly better in general but I wouldn't say the anime of Spice&Wolf was shit.

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