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Posts posted by CLuBLioN

  1. My birthday is 22th of December but I celebrate it always on 25th because it's so close and if we did too many festivities in one month we would go broke :D I remember I hated that but now I love that my birthday is celebrated at the same day as Christmas.

    I really want to get UR that is either Nico, Maki or Umi :)

  2. Dude I need spend so much money on this game it's not even funny :D I want teams like yours I can't even get any of my teams full sr members my teams al have at least one rare.

    When I get Christmas and Birthday money I will buy so many gems :D btw I celebrate my birthday on Christmas so much more money...

  3. Mmmkay so this is my first post in this thread :D I never watched anything Yuri related and I don't even know yet if I'm into this kind of stuff... But I got one question that I know only this thread can honestly answer. Is Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o series worth the read for my first time Yuri adventure ? :) Or maybe you have some other Yuri recommendations ? <3

  4. I was stupid and this is my punishment :( So here is the deal I thought that this event SR attribute was not cool and damn I was wrong :D Just when I got the card I noticed it was cool so now I need to grind like crazy to get to 1000 rank and I'm so damn tired :( I can't go to sleep now and I don't think I want to nap too because I'm scared that I will not wake up for the event end :( shitty day....

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