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Everything posted by Karuma

  1. I'm extremely anxious and I need to make a lot of excuses to myself to make me feel better.
  2. Totally bored

  3. Granted, but now you aren't real anymore. I wish to be a 2d loli.
  4. Welcome to fuwa. Enjoy your stay.
  5. Thank you very much, Nosebleed. :3
  6. Love from fuwanovel T-Thank you so much, Dito. I loved the pic. :3
  7. Thank you so much, Nyanko. :3 Thank you so much. Well, i already got a cake(cake is superior), but that's the only difference, everything else is just as asual. :3 Thank you very much, Nagisa.
  8. Thank you all very much, i joined yesterday but i already love this place. Everyone is so friendly. :3
  9. Thank you very much, sorry for the delay in responding, i was at school. Thank you very much, sorry for the delay in responding, i was at school. Thanks for the moe. :3
  10. W-Welcome. I also just joined the forum, but I already love this place. I hope that you feel the same way too. :3
  11. Thank you very much. :3
  12. Thank you very much. :3 Thank you very much. :3 Thank you very much. :3 Hope to see you around more. Thank you very much. Thanks for the puppy, and i also hope to see you around more.
  13. Thank you very much. Well, I suppose that you are the passing australian, right? It's too late to take shelter...
  14. Well, i'm gonna sleep now. Goodbye. :3
  15. I l-like tsunderes.
  16. Thank you very much. :3 W-W-W-What is this all of sudden? W-well, i like nee-sans...
  17. T-Thank you very much. About the passing Australian, i'll keep that in mind.
  18. Thank you very much. I also hope to see you around.
  19. T-Thank you very much. :3
  20. Thank you very much. I have yet to read Clannad and I have many others vns that i will read first, so i don't know when i'll be able to read it. T-Thank you very much, I also hope to see you around. :3 Thank you very much.
  21. I loved LB. All the routes were good, but Refrain was just awesome
  22. T-Thank you very much. :3
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