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Posts posted by theboxcarracer

  1. Technically, my first VN was Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I loved it. It is still one of (as in, second or first place) my favorite video game franchises, period.


    The thing is, I definitely didn't see it as a VN when I was playing it. I saw it as more of a Japanese take on the "Adventure Game" genre, with all the pixel hunting and moving from location to location. I still see it as more of an Adventure game than a VN, but hey, if it's under the VN label too, it certainly doesn't hurt me in any way.


    The first time I consciously played a VN was Katawa Shoujo.


    And my god, that game.


    I happen to be a burn victim with severe scarring, and the first route I played (entirely by chance) was Hanako's route,and it blew me away. I have some very similar social anxiety problems (though not as severe) and deal with the self-consciousness that comes with having burn scars on a daily basis. I'm lucky in that my scarring is restricted to my legs, so I can cover it up, but I still felt an extremely close connection to Hanako. I feel like they tackled the issues someone with severe scarring goes through fairly well. 


    I actually wrote an in-depth blog post about my personal reaction to the game as a burn victim on another site (along with the details of my accident), maybe I'll link to it on Fuwanovel sometime. That time is not now, though. Not quite ready yet, I want to be a bit more established here before I go spilling my guts in such a transparent way.


    Needless to say, any reservations I had about enjoying the VN genre were totally gone after that experience, and I got a lot more  into it. Finding out that the Ace Attorney games are also considered Visual Novels just cemented my interest even further.

  2. I just finished Sharin no Kuni last night before falling asleep, and I have to say that it is absolutely excellent, just like everyone says.


    I had one issue with the ending and that was

    how quickly Houzuki changed his ways. Like, it only took him getting beaten once for him to break. He seemed

    way more intense than that, in my opinion. It was just a little... no, it was a lot hard to believe that he'd not only give up, but also help Ken and Ririko out like that. (I wound up doing Ririko's epilogue before any of the others.)

    Also, I totally knew he was faking his leg injury. And once I figured out that he was faking his leg injury (which I suppose was pretty obvious, I don't mean to sound like I think I'm a genius or anything for figuring it out), it didn't take much more thought to realize that Ken was faking his drug addiction, because obviously the MC had something up his sleeve that he could beat Houzuki with, too.


    But still, that game is fantastic. I do still have to run through and get the other epilogues.

  3. I will say, I've heard a few words in G-senjou that I'm unfamiliar with, but I know I've heard at some point or another.  For example, the word "trite" was used, which I knew I'd heard before, but was a little fuzzy on the definition.  There's been more occurrences of that happening than actually learning new words from them.


    EDIT: The word "porcine" was just mentioned in G-senjou.  Never heard it before.  I must humbly retract my statement.

    The best use of the word "trite" is in the third Ace Attorney game. 


    Also never heard "porcine", either. I must have completely ignored it when I played G-senjou.

  4. Didn't expect that you'd fall head-over-heels for her after you finished her chapter or anything  :P  Hopefully, you'll like her character a lot more after you finish her entire route.  That's what happened for me, anyway.  It's...hard to dislike her when she's not all depressed and angsty.


    Well, as someone with depressive tendencies, I actually usually don't mind an overly-angsty character. She was just... boring. Like, her way of handling her emotions was to become a nothing, I guess.


    Major spoilers for Sharin no Kuni ahead. No seriously, if you haven't read it, don't open this!



  5. Ehh, I thought Natsumi's chapter kinda blew.  Too much emotion without any real action until the end, and then it's the next chapter.  How'd you like Touka's chapter, though?  When I finished it I was too pissed to talk about it.  Really upset me, which is good, I guess.  Can't provoke that kind of emotion if it's badly written.

  6. I feel like my popularity must be lacking...


    I'm a professional game journalist, and one of the first to do visual novel reviews. My latest one was My Girlfriend is the President because JAST wanted me to, and I've done half a dozen VN reviews for various gaming sites.


    While I sob and plug myself for visual novel fans to follow me, I'll help out however I can as well. Just ask, I've been doing reviews for a few years now.


    It would be nice if you guys supported me as well. I have to fight with higher ups to post reviews since the 18+ nature isn't favorable for general gaming sites, and showing that there is a loyal fanbase would help a lot. 




    I unfortunately do not use most forms of social media, especially not facebook. Do you have any other places you can link to besides facebook so I can check them out?

  7. Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru is pretty good in that aspect.


    I.. uh... don't want to talk about it.


    Oh wait, I totally don't have to be ashamed on this forum.


    Ikinari is pretty good in that aspect.


    Um. That's all.

  8. I know it's typical, but chest all the way. I've only ever dated girls with big boobs. That's not to say that I wouldn't date someone without them, they'd just have to have a really really attractive face to make up for it.


    I sound like such a shallow tool. I swear that I'm not, I just... you know, sexual attraction is an important part of having a healthy relationship. If I like everything about a girl but don't find her at all attractive, then that relationship isn't going to end up being very fulfilling.


    That said, I've been single for a whole year now and it's killing me to the point that I know I'm going to end up lowering my standards for the next girl I date. Sigh.

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